
ELENA:Whatare you doing here?
STEFAN:Um, Lexi said that you came by and you--youseemed upset.
ELENA:Right.The girl in the towel.
STEFAN:The towel? Oh. No, no. no, no, no, no.Um... Not like that. No. Uh, she's not exactly a girl. Lexi's--Um, she's 350years old.
ELENA:Youmean she's a...
STEFAN:And she's my oldest friend. Nothingromantic. Ever.
ELENA:Ok,well... She kept staring at me. It was weird.
STEFAN:Well, you know, I've talked about you Alot, so... Guess she felt like she knew you. So why'd you come by?
ELENA:I,uh--It was a mistake.
STEFAN:Elena, talk to me.
ELENA:Ican't. Stefan, I can't, and that's the problem. I'm keeping all these secretsfrom everyone. I can't even tell my best friend. Do you know how hard that is?It's like I need to talk to someone, But the only person I can talk to is you,And...
STEFAN:I want you to know That I will always behere for you. You can come to me about anything, ok?
ELENA:Well,thank you for coming by.
STEFAN:Hey, do you need a rideto the grill tonight?
ELENA:Are you going tocaroline's party?
STEFAN:Lexi's dragging me.  And... It's my birthday.
ELENA:Really? Happy birthdaythen.
STEFAN:Thank you.
ELENA:Actually, I, um-- I thinkI'm gonna stay in tonight.
ELENA:Well, have-- Have agood night.