美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2017-01-31(在线收听


This is AP news minute. 

1. President-elect Donald Trump's pick for defense secretary general James Mattis is set to offer testimony at his confirmation hearing Thursday morning. Retired in 2013, Mattis will be the first career military officer to serve as the defense secretary in more than a half of century.  

2. Rescue workers continue to evacuate dozens of North California residents from their flooded homes on Wednesday. A drought-busting series of storms began to move out of the region, after days of heavy rain and snow. 

3. Vice Chairman of Samsung electronics Lee Jae-yong has been investigated for bribery as well as perjury allegations. Investigations into suspicion of embezzlement and malpractice are also being considered by prosecutors. 

4. And eight giant panda cubs posted for Chinese new year greetings. January 28th marks the year's Chinese lunar new year, the most important traditional festival for the Chinese. 

Emily Roseman, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.
