美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2017-02-18(在线收听


This is AP news minute.

1. President Donald Trump mounted a vigorous defense over his presidency at the White House news conference Thursday. He says his administration is running like a fine tune machine, despite media reports of chaos. Trump's comments come amid a period marked by leaks, division and a couple of high-profile exits. 

2. President Trump also announces Thursday Alexander Acosta as his new pick for labor secretary. Acosta is the dean of Florida International University Law School. The announcement comes one day after his first pick, fast-food executive Andy Puzder withdrew. 

3. Hundreds of people in Chicago are rallying in a demonstration to mark a day without migrants. Similar demonstrations are planned nationwide. Numerous businesses in migrants heavy industry, like restaurants are closing in solidarity. 

4. And Hillary Clinton unveiled a series of commemorative stamps, honoring designer Oscar de la Renta in an U.S postal service ceremony in New York Grand Central terminal. Clinton noted that Dominican-born de la Renta was an inspiration to striving immigrants. 

Suzanne Yee Gaffney, the Associated Press with AP news minute.
