
Daniel: You're home. I wasbeginning to question if you lived here anymore.
Emily:  Well, then we're even, because I wasbeginning to question if you'd lost my number.
Daniel: W-w--actually, I lostmy phone. Uh, Tyler told me you canceled dinner.
Emily:  What is he talking about? I came by tosee what you like to eat.
Daniel: I'll kill him.
Emily:  I stared at empty chair for two hoursuntil I finally accepted that you had stood me up.
Daniel: Your chair didn'tlook so empty to me. I saw you and Jack through the windows. I know. I'm notproud of it.
Emily:  I made that dinner for you, Daniel.Jack and I are just friends. He came by unexpected and he was hungry. I didn'twant the food to go to waste.
Daniel: I'm such an idiot.
Emily: Yeah, a little bit.