科学美国人60秒 SSS Hand Soap Ingredient Can Up Body Bacteria Burden(在线收听


The antimicrobial triclosan is a common ingredient in hand soap. But it's also found in shampoos, deodorants, toothpaste, even lip gloss. So it's not too surprising that triclosan also shows up in blood, urine, breast milk and mucus. But here's the weird thing—those triclosan residues may actually boost bacterial growth in our bodies. So says a study in the journal mBio. [Adnan K. Syed et al, Triclosan Promotes Staphylococcus aureus Nasal Colonization] 

抗菌三氯生是手肥皂中的常见成分。但它也发现在洗发精、 除臭剂、 牙膏、 甚至唇彩。所以它不是太令人吃惊的是,三氯生也显示在血液、 尿液、 乳汁和粘液。但这里是奇怪的事情 — — 那些三氯残留物可能实际上会促进细菌的生长,在我们的身体。所以说,期刊的一项研究。三氯生促进金黄色葡萄球菌鼻殖民化,[阿德南 K.赛义德 et al]

Researchers swabbed inside the noses of 90 adults. 37 of the 90 tested positive for triclosan—and those who did were twice as likely to have the bug Staphylococcus aureus living in their noses. Rats, too, were more susceptible to staph if fed triclosan. 

研究人员 90 成人的鼻子里面擦洗。90 37 呈阳性反应的三氯生 — — 和那些没有,两倍的有金黄色葡萄球菌 bug 生活在他们的鼻子。大鼠,也更容易受到金黄色葡萄球菌如果美联储三氯生。

Seems counterintuitive, but when bacteria are exposed to sublethal levels of antibiotics, they get stressed, and “they attach to surfaces and hunker down, in things we call biofilms." That's study author Blaise Boles, of the University of Michigan. 


He says that stash of staph could put your health at risk. "Individuals that have Staph. aureus in their nose before they undergo surgery are about seven times more likely to get a Staph. aureus surgical site infection." Which is when you'll really need those antibiotics. 

他说,藏匿的金黄色葡萄球菌能将你的健康处于危险之中。"有金黄色葡萄球菌的个人。在他们的鼻子之前他们接受手术治疗, 金黄色葡萄球菌是大约七倍更有可能得到金黄色葡萄球菌。金黄色葡萄球菌手术部位感染"。这是当你真的需要这些抗生素。
