
Nolen: Welcome home, Amanda. I nearly didn't recognize youtoday, but that's the whole point,isn't it?
Emily:Do you know howeasy it would be for me to crush your windpipe?
Nolen: I don't think your fatherwould approve. Amanda...Oh... Your fathertrusted me.
Emily:My fathertrusted everybody. What are you doing here, Nolan?
Nolen: Don't worry. Don't worry. Yoursecret's safe. No one wants this imperiouscadre of toxic phonies to eat it more than yours truly. So how can I be of service?
Emily: You can't.You're not apart of this
Nolen: Yes, I am. Remember, I witnessedfirsthand what these people did to your
father. They're hard-core.
Emily: I can handlethem.And I have noproblem taking you down, too, if you get in my way.
Nolen: I-I don't want to get in yourway. I want to help you.
Emily:You can't helpme, Nolan.
Nolen: Suit yourself. But I can be just as powerfulan enemy as any one of them. Just sayin’ .