美国学生人类历史 第73期:罗马和迦太基(1)(在线收听

   Chapter 22

  Rome and Carthage
  The Semitic colony of Carthage on the northern coast of Africa and the indo-European city of Rome on the west coast of Italy fought each other for the possession of the Western Mediterranean and Carthage was destroyed.
  The little Phoenician trading post of Kart-hadshat stood on a low hill which overlooked the African Sea, a stretch of water ninety miles wide which separates Africa from Europe. It was an ideal spot for a commercial centre. Almost too ideal. It grew too fast and became too rich. When in the sixth century before our era, Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon destroyed Tyre, Carthage broke off all further relations with the Mother Country and became an independent state-the great western advance-post of the Semitic races.
  Unfortunately the city had inherited many of the traits which for a thousand years had been characteristic of the Phoenicians. It was a vast business-house, protected by a strong navy, indifferent to most of the finer aspects of life. The city and the surrounding country and the distant colonies were all ruled by a small but exceedingly powerful group of rich men, The Greek word for rich is "ploutos"and the Greeks called such a government by "rich men"a "Plutocracy." Carthage was a plutocracy and the real power of the state lay in the hands of a dozen big ship-owners and mine-owners and merchants who met in the back room of an office and regarded their common Fatherland as a business enterprise which ought to yield them a decent profit. They were however wide awake and full of energy and worked very hard.
  很不幸的是,这座城市从母国那里继承了许多不良 习 性。它们也是腓尼基人在1000年的发展历程中,因之兴也因之亡的一些典型特性。从本质上讲,这座城市无非是一个大商号,由一支强大的海军护卫着。迦太基人是地地道道的商人,除了做生意,他们对生活中很多优美精致的事物毫无兴趣。这座城市、城市附近的乡村、以及许许多多遥远的殖民地,全都由一个为数不多但权倾一时的富人集团统治着。希腊语中,富人为"ploutos",因此希腊人把这样一个由富人掌管的政府称为"plutocracy"(富人统治或财阀统治)。迦太基就拥有这样一个典型的富人政权。整个国家的真正权力实际操控在12个大船主、大商人及大矿场主的手中。他们在密室中集会,商讨国家事务,将共同的祖国视为一个大公司,理应让他们赚取丰厚的利润。不过,他们精力充沛,工作勤奋,以警惕的目光随时注视着周围的事态。