美国学生人类历史 第83期:罗马和迦太基(11)(在线收听

   The Senate promised the help of the Latin armies, but the preparation for this expedition took some time, and meanwhile Saguntum had been taken and had been destroyed. This had been done in direct opposition to the will of Rome. The Senate decided upon war. One Roman army was to cross the African sea and make a landing on Carthaginian soil. A second division was to keep the Carthaginian armies occupied in Spain to prevent them from rushing to the aid of the home town. It was an excellent plan and everybody expected a great victory. But the Gods had decided otherwise.

  It was the fall of the year 218 before the birth of Christ and the Roman army which was to attack the Carthaginians in Spain had left Italy. People were eagerly waiting for news of an easy and complete victory when a terrible rumour began to spread through the plain of the Po. Wild mountaineers, their lips trembling with fear, told of hundreds of thousands of brown men accompanied by strange beasts "each one as big as a house," who had suddenly emerged from the clouds of snow which surrounded the old Graian pass through which Hercules, thousands of years before, had driven the oxen of Geryon on his way from Spain to Greece. Soon an endless stream of bedraggled refugees appeared before the gates of Rome, with more complete details. Hannibal, the son of Hamilcar, with fifty thousand soldiers, nine thousand horsemen and thirty-seven fighting elephants, had crossed the Pyrenees.
  时间正好是公元前218年秋天,负责攻击驻守西班牙的迦太基军队的罗马军团 启程离开了意大利,罗马的人们正急切期盼着一个轻松愉快的胜利消息。不过等来的却是另一个可怕的谣言,它们很快便在整个波河平原蔓延开来。先是一些粗野的山民,他们传布了一个匪夷所思的故事。他们讲,几十万棕色人带着一种奇怪的野兽,"每一只都有房子那么大",突然从比利牛斯山的云朵之中浮现。他们现身的地方是在古格瑞安山隘,几千年前赫尔克里斯曾赶着他的格尔扬公牛途经此地,从西班牙前往希腊。不久,一眼望不到尽头的逃难人群便涌到了罗马城前,他们个个衣衫槛楼,面有菜色。从他们口中,得知了更多、更具体的细节。哈米尔卡的伟大儿子汉尼拔,统率着9万步兵、9000骑兵及37头威风凛凛的战象,已经跨过了比利牛斯山。