

  The Capricorn Wife
  December 22 to January I9
  The sign of Capricorn does not favor women. That is not in the sense of creating a womanly woman, intuitive, sensitive, variable, and spiritual. The Capricorn woman is rather masculine in her appearance, and in her temperament as well. She is capable, faithful, dependable and systematic.
  Household routine is a joy to her, and she is one of the finest housekeepers of all of the Zodiacal types. She is a cook, she is an economist, she is somewhat of a hostess, and she is very ambitious for her husband‘s and children’s success in the world.
  With all of these necessary virtues brought to such a high scale of perfection, it is somewhat odd that the Capricorn wife is not advertised from the housetops as being the ideal of wives.
  What the Capricorn female personality lacks is the soft feminine sympathy, the pliant submissiveness, and the physical responsiveness of the Libra or the Pisces woman. The emotional generosity of the Aries or the Leo woman is absent. Even the hearty comradeship of the Sagittarian woman is not there. In its place, we find the efficient trained housekeeper, scrupulous in her integrity, and a slave to her duty. Many men prefer less perfection and more warmth.
  In many ways this is all very unfair to the Capricorn wife. She is really an admirable kind of woman, needing, most of all, encouragement and affection to call forth all of her deep loyalty, which once given, lasts a lifetime.
  Men of a more serious practical nature, who do not seek spiritual or emotional companionship from their wives but wish their home life to run along smoothly, rather like a high-class hotel, will find this type of wife very satisfactory.