

  The Scorpio Husband
  October 24 to November 22
  The Scorpio man makes one of the most difficult husbands to live with in peace and harmony. The only way that this can be accomplished is for the wife of a Scorpio man to be receptive to his every thought and follow his instructions with complete obedience. He is the typical “old fashioned lord of the manor ” and is just as tyrannical and overbearing in his home as he is in every other walk of life.
  Many astrological warnings have been given against marriage for the Scorpio man with afflictions in his seventh house of marriage. He is considered too extreme in his seventh house of marriage. He is considered too extreme in his reactions to the love life. But the temperament is such that no matter how forewarned, these men will marry, and tragedy is too often the result.
  For the less extreme types there are more chances of happiness. The Scorpio man himself is often very successful, and well able to support a wife and the large family he so desires. But his intensely personal passions, and the highly possessive attitude of his devotion is a strain on the most devoted family. In fact, no matter how much love and attention he receives, his nature is secretive and suspicious, and he will always suspect deceptive conditions working against him. These conditions are wholly imaginative, but he persists in inflaming himself with jealousy and dark inward resentments.
  The depths of his affection for the wife and children are genuine indeed, but he cannot seem to learn to be more pliable. Such selfish love is bond to cheat itself as the unhappy Scorpio man makes his stubborn way through life.
  Sexual excesses are often a part of this sign character. The desires are gross and unnatural, and demand satisfaction. As is the case with the women of the sign, Scorpio men have a strong moral side to the character. They suffer deeply for their indulgences, and make inward promises of temperance after the appetites have been satisfied.