
   依赖、敏感、善变、吹毛求疵。 由于拥有顾家、爱家的优秀特质,使巨蟹夫人视家庭为生活唯一重心,她喜欢孩子的程度,掌控先生行踪的能力,简直有如007侦探员一般,教人叹为观止。

  The Cancer Wife--June 22 to July 22
  The Cancer wife mothers everything. She typifies the most motherly influence of all of the Zodiacal wives. When at her best, she is a sympathetic, affectionate protective woman, patient, devoted, adaptable, satisfied with anything her husband provides for her. Her home is wherever her husband decides that it should be, and she gives the humblest place a permanent, established look. Her presence is sanctifying, and she understands how to serve. She is loved and respected in return for her devotion, and is the personification of all of the literature written that idealizes “Mother.”
  All this, of course, depends upon the planetary combinations in the nativity. Many Cancer wives have some of these good qualities. They are devoted mothers, full of affection for the family, but too often moody, changeable, ignorant, and unwilling to be improved, temperamental to a fault and sensitive in the extreme. It is very easy for the Cancer girl to marry, for her natural inclinations are so sympathetic that this quality of thought draws marriage to her. She seeks without a good deal of character and background, she will need the help and guidance of her husband for the strength to meet life‘s problems. Her husband is on a pedestal in her imagination, and if he fails her, the spiritual shock is Cancer wife is as much a help to the husband as his worldly stamina is to her.
  This native is passionately possessive and everything concerning the life of her family absorbs her completely. Sometimes these intuitive instinctive women have (counter to all else in their make up) an uncannily accurate business sense, and they are able to advise their husbands in business with unexpected wisdom. Taken generally, the whole character is proverbially feminine, and the man who marries a Cancer wife gets a completely womanly woman. Their type is divided into at least two groups, one of which is the dominant.