

  November 23 to December 22
  The Sagittarian makes a good business partner. Natives are impersonal (in many ways) in their judgments, with the balanced quality of thought found in the Libra natives. They harmonize with the partner, and add color, drama and style to the business, whatever it happens to be. They are exceedingly energetic, and give a great deal of themselves toward making business a success. This type of person is somewhat of a plunger, and needs a restraining hand when it comes to the new, untried and highly speculative. Very often they are out-and-out gamblers, and their keen intuitive minds generally lead them to the winning proposition.
  Sagittarians are optimistic to a fault, and see only the nest glowing side of a situation. The very highly developed Sagittarian is temperamentally equipped to handle great business enterprise. These people have the vision and practical imagination for vast schemes of world-wide dimensions.