
Brad: [兴奋] Ron!
Ron: [高兴] Hey, how did it go?
Brad: [故意装沮丧] Uh... You know, “who wants a teacher that barks (v. 狗叫) like a dog? You should try another line of work.”
Ron: Are you serious? [为Brad不平] Didn’t they look at your resume (n. 简历)? [终于反应过来被骗了] Ah... You’re kidding!
Brad: Yeah, they’re setting up (准备) some interviews with some principals (n. 校长).
Ron: Fantastic! (好极了!) When?
Brad: I don’t know. I’ve gotta (=have got to, 必须) wait for their calls.
Ron: Get changed (换衣服). We gotta go celebrate (庆祝).
Brad: [不情愿] Haven’t you got a date (女朋友)?
Ron: Yeah, see, she’s got a friend. It’s about time you started meeting some chicks (美国俚语,女生).
Brad: I...can’t focus on dating right now.
Ron: [故作正经] Has anybody ever told you that you’re obsessive (走火入魔的)?
Brad: [戏谑] Uh...only every shrink (n.精神科医生) I’ve ever saw.
Ron: Well, have fun focusing. Oh, your dad called again. Maybe you should call him back, you know. [出门了] Alright, see you later.