听歌学英语:你的一句‘我爱你’When You Told Me You Loved Me(在线收听

Once 曾经
Doesn't mean anything to me 对我而来说什么都不是
Come 来吧
Show me the meaning of complete 告诉我什么才是完美的结局
Where 究竟
Did our love go wrong 我们的爱走错在哪里
Once we were so strong 曾经的深情
How can I go on? 如何继续

When you told me you loved me 你的一句“我爱你”
Did you know it would take me the rest of my life 你可知道,竟会是我一辈子的咒语
To get over the feeling of knowing 曾经相知相惜
A dream didn't turn out right 原来是梦一场
When you let me believe that you were incomplete 当你让我相信没有我
Without me by your side 你便不完整
How could I know 我怎会想到
That you would go 你要疏离
That you would run 你要逃逸
Baby, I thought you were the one 亲爱的,我曾以为你就是我的真命天子啊

Why 如何
Can't I just leave it all behind 才能把一切忘记
I 我
Felt passion so bright that I was blind 被爱火障目
Then 于是
Something made me weak 不堪一击
Talking in my sleep 魂牵梦萦
Baby, I'm in so deep and you know I believe 亲爱的,我已在爱中无法自拔

When you told me you loved me你的一句“我爱你”
Did you know it would take me the rest of my life 你可知道,竟成为了我一辈子的咒语
To get over the feeling of knowing 曾经相知相惜
A dream didn't turn out right 不过虚幻一场
When you let me believe that you were incomplete 当你让我相信你无法
Without me by your side 走出我的世界
how could I know 我怎么能想到
That you would go 你要疏离
That you would run 你要逃逸
Baby, I thought you were the one 亲爱的,曾以为你是我的真命天子
Your lips 难忘的热吻
Your face 不变的容颜
Something that time just can't erase 过去的一切又怎能抹去
Find my heart 即使我的心
Could break 早已破碎
All over again 深情犹在

When you told me you loved me 当你说出你的爱
Did you know it would take me the rest of my life 你已将我心全部占据
to get over the feeling of knowing 相知相惜
A dream didn't turn out right 相偎相忆
When you let me believe that you weren't complete 当你让我相信你无法
Without me by your side 走出我的世界
How could I know 我怎么能想到
That you would go 你要疏离
That you would run 你要逃逸
Baby, I thought you were the one 亲爱的,我还以为你是我的此生唯一

Show me the meaning of complete
complete adj 完全的;十足的;兼有的;配有
He demanded complete silence.他要求完全肃静。
The house is a complete mess.这房子实在太乱了。
He bought a lovely house complete with furniture.他买下一幢带有家具的漂亮的房子。
The diary comes complete with a gold ballpoint pen.该日记本还配有一支金圆珠笔。
Thank you for coming into my life and making me complete.感谢有你,完整了我的人生。
vt. 完成; 使齐全; 使完整
Her pride drove her to complete the job. 她的自尊心不容许她在这件事情上失败。
When will you complete the task?你什么时候完成任务?

When you let me believe that you were incomplete without me by your side
incomplete [.ink?m'pli:t] adj. 不完全的, 不完整的
The novel remained incomplete at the author's death.作者去世时, 那部小说仍未写完。
I feel incomplete without you. 没有你我是不完整的。

Time just can't erase.
erase v.抹去, 擦掉
These marks don't erase easily, I'm afraid.这些记号恐怕不容易擦掉。
Don't erase the tape yet.先别把录音消掉。
She couldn't erase the terrible experience from her memory. 她无法把那次可怕的经历从记忆中抹去。

How could I know you that you would go that you would run.
go: v 衰退; 受损; 磨损;放, 置;(除)得整数商;花费, 销售
His eyesight is going.他的视力正在衰退。
Three into two won't go.三除二得不到整数商。
My clothes won't all go into that tiny suitcase.那个小衣箱装不下我所有的衣物。
This luggage won't go in the car.车子放不下这行李。
How much of your money goes in rent?你花在租金上的钱是多少?
go: n.去, 尝试, 精力, 一举 ;忙乱
Let me have another go at it.让我再试它一次。
The man is full of go; he often stays up late.那人精力充沛; 他常熬夜。
It's all go in the office today.今天办公室里忙得不可开交。

run: n.路程, 奔跑, 趋向;兜风;抽丝
I have a run in my stocking.我的袜子抽丝了。
The run of events favored us.事情的发展对我们有利。
The bank is a ten minutes' run from the hotel.从旅馆到银行跑步需十分钟。
a run of连续;一连
There has been a run of rainy days since Monday.星期一以来天天阴雨绵绵。
