听歌学英语:最后的华尔兹 The Last Waltz(在线收听

I wonder should I go or should I stay我不知该走还是该留
The band had only one more song to play乐队只剩下一首歌要演奏
And then I saw you out the corner of my eye然后眼角余光看见你
A little girl alone and so shy落寞又一脸羞涩的姑娘

I had the last waltz with you跟你跳了最后一曲华尔兹
Two lonely people together我与你,两个孤寂的人
I fell in love with you就这样爱上了你
The last waltz should last forever最后一曲华尔兹会永远继续下去

But the love we had was going strong 我们的爱越来越强烈
Through the good and bad we got along我们共度了快乐与悲伤的时光
And then the flame of love died in your eye后来爱的火焰在你眼里消失
My heart was broke in two when you said goodbye当你说“再见”时,我的心碎了

I had the last waltz with you跟你跳了最后一曲华尔兹
Two lonely people together我与你,两个孤寂的人
I fell in love with you就这样爱上了你
The last waltz should last forever最后一曲华尔兹会永远继续下去

It's all over now 故事终结
Nothing left to say没有下文
Just my tears and the orchestra playing只剩我的眼泪在乐声中纷飞
La la la la la la la la la la,
La la la la la la la la la la,

【I wonder should I go or should I stay; The band had only one more song to play;And then I saw you out the corner of my eye】正当不知道是去是留的时候;正当乐队只剩下最后一曲的时候;就这样地看见了你
corner: ['k?:n?]n.角落, 转角, 困境 v.将 ... 逼入困境, 转弯, 垄断
She'll need luck to get out of a tight corner like that.她要靠运气才能摆脱那样的困境。
They have forced him into a corner.他们迫使他陷入困境。
Peter drove jerkily, cornering too fast and fumbling the gears.彼得开车很不平稳,转弯太快,换档也不熟练。(jerkily是由形容词jerky的副词形式,jerky意为‘急促而不流畅的’、‘颠簸的’; fumble vt. 摸索;笨拙地做;)
cut corners 以最简便或最廉价的方式做事;走捷径;抄近路; 偷工减料
Take your time, don't cut corners, and follow instructions to the letter.慢慢来,不要图省事,要严格按照说明去做。

【I had the last waltz with you跟你跳了最后一曲华尔兹;Two lonely people together我与你,两个孤寂的人;I fell in love with you就这样爱上了你;The last waltz should last forever最后一曲华尔兹会永远继续下去】
waltz [w?lts] n. 华尔兹舞;华尔兹舞曲;vi. 跳华尔兹舞;旋转;轻快地走动
vt. 硬拖;与…跳华尔兹舞; 偷走某物, 轻易赢得某物
"Waltz with me," he said, taking her hand.“和我跳华尔兹舞吧!”他拉起她的手说。
He's just waltzed off with my cigarette lighter!他刚才把我的打火机偷走了。
She waltzed off with the school prizes for maths and science.她轻而易举赢得了全校数学奖和理科/科学奖。

【But the love we had was going strong 我们的爱越来越强烈;Through the good and bad we got along我们共度了快乐与悲伤的时光;And then the flame of love died in your eye后来爱的火焰在你眼里消失;My heart was broke in two when you said goodbye当你说“再见”时,我的心碎了】
be going strong: 良好的; 强健的;顺利的
He is over seventy but still going strong. 他70多了,身子骨还挺硬朗。
strong adj. 坚强的;强壮的;牢固的;擅长的 adv. 强劲地;猛烈地
It's a bit strong to punish her for such a small thing.为那么点小事就惩罚她未免有些过分了。
be strong on sth: 擅长做某事
I'm not very strong on dates. 我不善於和异性朋友约会。
strong suit: 专长,特长
Golf isn't my strong suit.高尔夫球不是我的强项。

PS: I wanna thank my wechat friend Whisper. Whisper says 'I don't care what you look like. Every time I hear your voice, my heart flips'. That's so sweet. Thank you so much sweetheart. And I love you too.
