

Alice: Hello, I'm Alice.

Finn: And I'm Finn.

Alice: And this is 6 Minute English! This week we’re talking about an amazing

scientific achievement – it’s called a total artificial heart.

Finn: That’s a heart that’s made completely artificially – in fact it’s made of plastic.

Something artificial is something that isn’t real.

Alice: This total artificial heart has given a new lease of life to a patient in the United

States – so before we find out more, Finn, I have a question for you. Which of

these creatures has the slowest heartbeat? Ready?

Finn: OK, I’m ready!

Alice: A, an elephant, b, a human being or c, a dog.

Finn: Hmm – I’m really not sure about that. Do different size dogs have different

heartbeats I wonder, Alice?

Alice: I don’t know! I only know which of them has the slowest heartbeat and I’ll

give you the answer at the end of the programme. So let’s find out more about

this total artificial heart. Here’s heart doctor, cardiologist Dr Doug 

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Horstmanshof talking about his patient, Troy Golden, a pastor from the United

States who was born with a serious heart condition.

Insert 1: Dr Doug Horstmanshof

He suffers from a disease called Marfan's syndrome that he was born with. Physically,

He wasn't even able to get out of bed anymore, could barely bear weights, could barely

breathe comfortably. Emotionally, mentally, spiritually - he had reached a point so low

that most of us can't even imagine.

Alice: Dr Doug Horstmanshof says his patient suffered badly from his disease. He

had reached a point so low that most of us can’t even imagine.

Finn: A point so low – a condition that is so bad you can’t imagine things getting any


Alice: Troy Golden was physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally exhausted.

He had been put on a list for a heart transplant in January 2010 but couldn’t

find a donor.

Finn: A donor – somebody who gives you something, in this case a human heart.

Somebody who donates a heart or a liver or kidney is called an organ donor.

Alice: And Troy’s heart was in such a bad condition a normal heart pump wouldn’t

work for him, so Dr Horstmanshof decided to do something incredible in

September 2010. He removed his patient’s heart completely and replaced it 

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with a plastic heart – the total artificial heart. It contains valves, a pump and

also batteries to keep it powered.

Finn: So that was September 2010 – Troy Golden has had his new heart for several

months now. How has it been functioning?

Alice: Let’s hear what he says.

Insert 2: Troy Golden

Yeah, I really have got to the point that I don't even really notice it, other than it's loud.

So... I think for my wife it feels, to her, she can hear it beating so she knows I'm alive, so

it's very comforting to her.

Alice: Troy Golden says his wife can hear the heart beating, and she finds the sound

very comforting.

Finn: Comforting – it makes her feel safe and secure.

Alice: And Troy Golden says he’s got to a point where he doesn’t really notice his

new heart.

Finn: He’s got to a point where he doesn’t notice his new heart, which means he’s

got used to it.

Alice: Another doctor, Dr Kevin Fong, a Consultant Anaesthetist at University

College Hospital in London, says the total artificial heart is almost

unbelievable – he calls it mind-blowing. 

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Insert 3: Dr Kevin Fong

It's mind-blowing to think that where he once had a heart, there's now a mechanical

device; that it's been replaced with plastic and tubes attached to a pneumatic pump

inside the rucksack on his back.

Alice: Dr Kevin Fong, a Consultant Anaesthetist from University College Hospital in

London, describing the mechanical device which is keeping Troy Golden alive.

Finn: A pneumatic pump – now, a pneumatic pump is an air pump, and this one is

kept in a rucksack on the patient’s back.

Alice: Troy Golden carries the rucksack on his back, and he says it’s great to know

his heart is pumping. He says it’s wonderful to feel alive again.

Insert 4: Troy Golden

It is great to know that my… that the heart is pumping, that my heart is pumping. I

guess it's not mine, but it is wonderful to feel alive again.

Alice: Troy Golden who has been given a new lease of life with his total artificial


Finn: A new lease of life – that’s new energy and a new sense of happiness.

Alice: So, before we go today, Finn – have you had a chance to think about my

question about the heart rates of different creatures.

Finn: Well, I think the bigger the animal the slower the heartbeat, so I’m going to go 

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for elephant.


Alice: Ah, well done – very good! Apparently an elephant’s heart beats only 25 times

a minute, a human being, usually between about 60 and 90 times a minute, and

a dog, between 100 and 150 heartbeats every minute!

Finn: There you go.

Alice: Yes. So, a chance to hear some of the words and phrases. Finn, would you


Finn: artificial

 a new lease of life



 got to a point




Alice: Thanks for that, Finn.

Finn: You’re welcome.

Alice: Well that’s all we have time for today, and we’ll have more "6 Minute

English" next time.

Finn: Bye for now! 

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Alice: Bye!
