
The United States is deeply concerned about the events depicted in a shocking video that appears to show the summary execution of unarmed civilians by elements of the armed forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

美国深刻关切一则骇人听闻的视频所描述的事件,在这则似乎是合集汇总的视频中,手无寸铁的百姓被刚果民主共和国(DRC, Democratic Republic of Congo)全副武装的士兵处决。

“Such extrajudicial killing, if confirmed, would constitute gross violations of human rights and threatens to incite widespread violence and instability in an already fragile country,” said State Department Acting Spokesperson, Mark Toner.

“这种法外处决,一经确认,就会构成严重违反人权的罪名,并可能在已然脆弱不堪的刚果引发广泛的暴乱和不稳定,”美国国务院代理发言人马克 托纳(Mark Toner)说。

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, “There are multiple, credible allegations of massive human rights violations in Kasai, Kasai Central, Kasai Oriental and Lomami provinces, amid a sharp deterioration in security situation there, including people being targeted by soldiers for their alleged affiliation with a local militia.”

联合国人权事务高级专员(UN High Commissioner for Human Rights) 扎伊德 拉阿德 侯赛因(Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein)表示,“目前有很多可信的指控称刚果开赛(Kasai)、开赛东部、开赛东部以及洛马米省(Lomami)存在严重违背人权的现象,并伴随着安全形势的急转直下,表现包括士兵迫使人们对外宣布加入当地民兵团。”

The Democratic Republic of the Congo continues to confront significant political, economic, social, and security challenges. Key among these challenges is the need for security sector reform and an end to impunity. Progress in this area, not just in the Kasais but throughout the DRC's vast territory, will require significant political leadership and will. A more stable security environment and long-lasting peace will also require political stability and accountability.


To this end, we continue to urge all sides to make swift progress in implementation of the December 31 agreement, so that the DRC can hold credible elections in 2017 and proceed to a peaceful, democratic transfer of power.


“We call upon the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo,” said Acting Spokesperson Toner, “to launch an immediate and thorough investigation, in collaboration with international organizations responsible for monitoring human rights, to identify those who perpetrated such heinous abuses, and to hold accountable any individual proven to have been involved.”


At the same time, we cannot lose focus on continued insecurity in eastern DRC where decades of conflict between rival militias have resulted in human rights violations, economic hardship, and continued insecurity. The financing of armed groups from the illicit trade in minerals remains a concern despite progress in responsible sourcing.


Peace, security, and political stability are all keys to the DRC realizing its potential. The United States continues to stand as a partner with the Congolese people to hold those who commit human rights violations accountable as we work together to support a stable, democratic and prosperous DRC.

