
Everyday routine
Challenge yourself.
Living in the familiar, inside your comfort zone, may feel safe but it doesn't provide the opportunity to stretch and grow. Challenge yourself to do one daring thing every day.
My challenges typically center on acknowledging my needs. It is my nature to do for others first. So, my simple challenge every day is remember that I am important, too.
What you do can be simple as well. Ask for one thing you want, start a project or run an extra minute. The point is to do one thing that will take you a little bit closer to where you want to go. With each daily challenge you will see something wonderful happen – you find yourself becoming the person you want to be.
你所做的也可以很简单。找一件你想做的事,开始一个项目或多做一分钟。要点是做一件能让你离自己想要达到的程度更接近的事情。 每天一个挑战,你会发现有精彩的事情发生——你发现自己变成了想要成为的人。