
   1) Fight with an end goal

  You know that you’re going to fight with your boyfriend. That’s just the way that it goes. It’s not possible to be happy with anyone 24/7. It doesn’t mean that you’re not truly in love or that your relationship needs to end. All it means is that you’re both normal human beings and you’re part of a normal couple.
  But if you want your relationship to last (which you probably do since you’re still in it), then you need to fight with an end goal. That means talking to your boyfriend about issues and problems that come up but keeping a solution in mind.
  If you’re upset that he’s not spending enough time with you, or that you don’t seem to be on the same page when it comes to your future or how much you’re each committing, you need to have a serious conversation.
  But make sure that you get what you want from the talk. If you don’t, you have to keep chatting until you figure it out, or you might realize that you two just aren’t as well matched as you thought.
  2) Have realistic expectations
  Expectations can kill even the best relationships. Think of it this way: if you think your boyfriend is going to surprise you with flowers and a fancy dinner on your one-year anniversary but he does absolutely nothing, how do you feel? Pretty awful, right? You’re definitely pissed because you had an expectation that wasn’t met.
  If you can have more realistic expectations, then your relationship has a much better shot of working out. That’s because unfortunately, as much as you wish you could make your boyfriend act the way that you want him, that’s just not the case. Funny how that works, right?