
When he saw me,he fell to the ground and cried,'Thank God,Your Majesty!You're safe!'


'Well done,boy!'Sapt shouted.'We'll do it!'


Fritz stood up.He looked at me,up and down,down and up.Then he took a step backwards.'Where's the King?'he cried.


'Be quiet,'Sapt warned him.'Someone will hear!'


Fritz's face was white now.'Is the King dead?'he asked quietly.


'Please God,no,'I answered.'But Black Michael has him.'


The next day was a long one for me.Sapt talked to me for three hours about what I must do and what I must say,what I liked and what I didn't like.


Then I had to do some of the King's business,but,because of my damaged finger,I did not have to write my name on any papers.


When,at last,I was alone with Sapt and Fritz,we began to talk about Black Michael.Fritz told me that Black Michael had six very dangerous men among his servants-three Ruritanians,a Belgian,a Frenchman,and an Englishman.


They did anything that the Duke ordered,and did not stop at murder.Three of them-the foreigners,Fritz had heard were in Strelsau now with Duke Michael.


Sapt banged the table with his hand in excitement.'Then the King must be alive!Michael's brought the foreigners with him,and left the three Ruritanians to hold the King prisoner.Usually,the Six,as they're called,go everywhere with him.'


Fritz wanted to do something immediately about Black Michael and his men,but Sapt and I realized that we could not do anything openly.


'We'll play a waiting game,and let Michael make the first move,'I said.


And so I continued as King of Ruritania.In order to help the real King,I tried to make myself popular with the people.I went riding through the streets,smiling and talking to everybody.


I also went to visit the Princess Flavia.The King's officials had told me that the Princess was very popular,and the people hoped that she would become my wife.


It was easy for me to pretend to be in love with the Princess.Too easy.Those beautiful eyes and that lovely smile were stealing my heart.Here was my greatest danger!


I was pretending to be another man,but losing my own heart.On my first visit,we sat together for a long time,talking of this and that.


When I got up to leave,Princess Flavia said,'Rudolf,you will be careful,won't you?You have enemies,as I'm sure you know,and your life is very important to…Ruritania.'


'Only to Ruritania?'I asked softly.


'And to your loving cousin,'she answered quietly.


I could not speak.I took her hand in mine.Then,with a heavy heart,I left.


Of course,I made many mistakes in my new life as King.But I managed to talk my way out of them,with luck and with help from Fritz and Sapt.


It was like living on a knife edge.Once I met my brother Michael in the Princess's house.We smiled and talked politely,but I could see the anger in his black eyes.

