【荆棘鸟】第七章 13(在线收听

 “I hear we’re going to lose you, Father,” said Miss Carmichaelnastily.He had never looked so remote, so devoid of human feeling ashe did that morning in his laceless alb and dull black chasuble withsilver cross. It was as if he attended only in body, while his spiritmoved far away. But he looked down at Miss Carmichael absently,seemed to recollect himself, and smiled with genuine mirth.“God moves in strange ways, Miss Carmichael,” he said, andwent to speak to someone else.What was on his mind no one could have guessed; it was thecoming confrontation with Paddy over the will, and his dread ofseeing Paddy’s rage, his need of Paddy’s rage and contempt.Before he began the Requiem Mass he turned to face his congregation;the room was jammed, and reeked so of roses that openwindows could not dissipate their heavy perfume. 
      “I do not intend to make a long eulogy,” he said in his clear, almostOxford diction with its faint Irish underlay. “Mary Carsonwas known to you all. A pillar of the community, a pillar of theChurch she loved more than any living being.”At that point there were those who swore his eyes mocked, butothers who maintained just as stoutly that they were dulled with areal and abiding grief.“A pillar of the Church she loved more than any living being,”he repeated more clearly still; he was not one to turn away, either.“In her last hour she was alone, yet she was not alone. For in thehour of our death Our Lord Jesus Christ is with us, within us, bearing the burdenof our agony. Not the greatest nor the humblest living beingdies alone, and death is sweet. We are gathered here to pray forher immortal soul, that she whom we loved in life shall enjoy herjust and eternal reward. Let us pray.”The makeshift coffin was so covered in roses it could not be seen,and it rested upon a small wheeled cart the boys had cannibalizedfrom various pieces of farm equipment. Even so, with the windowsgaping open and the overpowering scent of roses, they could smellher.
      The doctor had been talking, too. “When I reached Drogheda she was so rotten that I just couldn’t hold my stomach,” he said on the party line to Martin King. “I’ve never felt so sorry for anyone in all my life as I did then for Paddy Cleary, not only because he’s been done out of Drogheda but because he had to shove that awful seething heap in a coffin.” “Then I’m not volunteering for the office of pallbearer,” Martin said, so faintly because of all the receivers down that the doctor had to make him repeat the statement three times before he understood it. Hence the cart; no one was willing to shoulder the remains of Mary Carson across the lawn to the vault. And no one was sorry when the vault doors were closed on her and breathing could become normal at last. 
      While the mourners clustered in the big dining room eating, or trying to look as if they were eating, Harry Gough conducted Paddy, his family, Father Ralph, Mrs. Smith and the two maids to the drawing room. None of the mourners had any intention of going home yet, hence the pretense at eating; they wanted to be on hand to see what Paddy looked like when he came out after the reading of the will. To do him and his family justice, they hadn’t comported themselves during the funeral as if conscious of their elevated status. As good-hearted as ever, Paddy had wept for his sister, and Fee looked exactly as she always did, as if she didn’t care what happened to her.  “Paddy, I want you to contest,” Harry Gough said after he had read the amazing document through in a hard, indignant voice. “The wicked old bitch!” said Mrs. Smith; though she liked the priest, she was fonder by far of the Clearys. They had brought babies and children into her life. But Paddy shook his head. “No, Harry! I couldn’t do that. The property was hers, wasn’t it? She was quite entitled to do what she liked with it. If she wanted the Church to have it, she wanted the Church to have it. I don’t deny it’s a bit of a disappointment, but I’m just an ordinary sort of chap, so perhaps it’s for the best. I don’t think I’d like the responsibility of owning a property the size of Drogheda.” 
      “You don’t understand, Paddy!” the lawyer said in a slow, distinct voice, as if he were explaining to a child. “It isn’t just Drogheda I’m talking about. Drogheda was the least part of what your sister had to leave, believe me. She’s a major shareholder in a hundred gilt-edged companies, she owns steel factories and gold mines, she’s Michar Limited, with a ten-story office building all to herself in Sydney. She was worth more than anyone in the whole of Australia! Funny, she made me contact the Sydney directors of Michar Limited not four weeks ago, to find out the exact extent of her assets. When she died she was worth something over thirteen million pounds.” “Thirteen million pounds!” Paddy said it as one says the distance from the earth to the sun, something totally incomprehensible. 
      “That settles it, Harry. I don’t want the responsibility of that kind of money.” “It’s no responsibility, Paddy! Don’t you understand yet? Money like that looks after itself! You’d have nothing to do with cultivating or harvesting it; there are hundreds of people employed simply to take care of it for you. Contest the will, Paddy, please! I’ll get you the best KCs in the country and I’ll fight it for you all the way to the Privy Council if necessary.” Suddenly realizing that his family were as concerned as himself, Paddy turned to Bob and Jack, sitting together bewildered on a Florentine marble bench. “Boys, what do you say? Do you want to go after Auntie Mary’s thirteen million quid? If you do I’ll contest, not otherwise.” “But we can live on Drogheda anyway, isn’t that what the will says?” Bob asked. Harry answered. 
      “No one can turn you off Drogheda so long as even one of your father’s grandchildren lives.” 
      “We’re going to live here in the big house, have Mrs. Smith and the girls to look after us, and earn a decent wage,” said Paddy as if he could hardly believe his good fortune rather than his bad. “Then what more do we want, Jack?” Bob asked his brother. “Don’t you agree?” “It suits me,” said Jack. 
      Father Ralph moved restlessly. He had not stopped to shed his Requiem vestments, nor had he taken a chair; like a dark and beautiful sorcerer he stood half in the shadows at the back of the room, isolated, his hands hidden beneath the black chasuble, his face still, and at the back of the distant blue eyes a horrified, stunned resentment. There was not even going to be the longed-for chastisement of rage or contempt; Paddy was going to hand it all to him on a golden plate of goodwill, and thank him for relieving the Clearys of a burden. “What about Fee and Meggie?” the priest asked Paddy harshly. “Do you not think enough of your women to consult them, too?” “Fee?” asked Paddy anxiously. “Whatever you decide, Paddy. I don’t care.” “Meggie?”  “I don’t want her thirteen million pieces of silver,” Meggie said, her eyes fixed on Father Ralph. Paddy turned to the lawyer. “Then that’s it, Harry. We don’t want to contest the will. Let the Church have Mary’s money, and welcome.” Harry struck his hands together. “God damn it, I hate to see you cheated!” “I thank my stars for Mary,” said Paddy gently. “If it wasn’t for her I’d still be trying to scrape a living in New Zealand.” 
      As they came out of the drawing room Paddy stopped Father Ralph and held out his hand, in full view of the fascinated mourners clustering in the dining room doorway. “Father, please don’t think there are any hard feelings on our side. Mary was never swayed by another human being in all her life, priest or brother or husband. You take it from me, she did what she wanted to do. You were mighty good to her, and you’ve been mighty good to us. We’ll never forget it.” The guilt. The burden. Almost Father Ralph did not move to take that gnarled stained hand, but the cardinal’s brain won; he gripped it feverishly and smiled, agonized. “Thank you, Paddy. You may rest assured I’ll see you never want for a thing.” Within the week he was gone, not having appeared on Drogheda again. He spent the few days packing his scant belongings, and touring every station in the district where there were Catholic families; save Drogheda. Father Watkin Thomas, late of Wales, arrived to assume the duties of parish priest to the Gillanbone district, while Father Ralph de Bricassart became private secretary to Archbishop Cluny Dark. But his work load was light; he had two undersecretaries. For the most part he was occupied in discovering just what and how much Mary Carson had owned, and in gathering the reins of government together on behalf of the Church. 
"我听说,我们要失去您啦,神父,"卡迈克尔小姐不怀好意地说道。  那天早晨,他穿上那件没有花边的白长袍和带银十字的、暗淡的黑十字褡的时候,从来没显得如此冷淡,如此缺少人情味,仿佛在这里的只是他的躯体,而他的灵魂已经远去了。他温不经心地低头看着卡迈克尔小姐,勉强使自己打起精神,扮出笑脸。