美联社新闻一分钟 AP 美国东南部发出暴风雪预警(在线收听


This is AP News Minute.

Authorities say several people were killed and others were wounded after a lone gunman opened fire at the Fort Lauderdale Florida International Airport. The gunman is in custody, but officials gave no details on the possible motive for the shooting inside Terminal 2.

Congress tallied the electoral college votes Friday, and Donald Trump is officially elected President with Mike Pence elected Vice President. Trump finished with 304 votes and Democrat Hillary Clinton got 227. There were seven protest votes for other candidates.

An approaching storm is posing a significant threat to the Southeast. The storm bringing the possibility of snow, sleet and freezing rain that promises to make life tough for motorists and weekend travelers. Winter storm warnings are in effect in parts of Alabama and Georgia and into the Carolinas and part of Virginia.

And First Lady Michelle Obama held her last formal event at the White House Friday. Mrs. Obama got emotional as she told the crowd to lead by example with hope, never fear. The event honored the 2017 National School Counselor of the Year and State Counselors of the Year.

Suzanne Yee Gaffney, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.
