英语幽默笑话:从没听过这么冷的笑话!(在线收听) |
生活中常常有需要我们调节气氛的时候,怎么调呢?讲个英语笑话。如果讲不好笑话怎么办,讲个冷笑话。。今天小编就来教亲们讲冷笑话呦~ 1.Why is the letter T like an island? Because it is in the middle of waTer! (问:为什么字母T像一座岛?答:岛不就在水当中嘛,水=water,T就在water这个单词当中呀)
2.How many letters are there in the English alphabet? 18 letters! (问:英语字母表有多少个字母?答:18个!答26的童鞋别拍桌子嘛,人家问的是the English alphabet这3个单词包含多少字母,所以3 in the, 7 in English and 8 in alphabet,加起来就18个啦)
3.Why did the boy bury his mobile phone? Because the batteries were dead. (问:为啥小明把自己的手机给埋了?答:因为他的手机死了(没电了)。英语里说电池没电=dead battery)
4.Which month has 28 days? All of them! (问:哪个月有28天?答:每个月。你没问哪个月有且只有28天呀)
5.There are 5 birds in a tree. A hunter shoots 2 of them dead. How many birds are left? 2 birds. (问:树上有5只鸟,猎人枪杀了2只,还剩几只啊?答一只也不剩的童鞋肯定听过这个吧,但你不觉得2只才符合逻辑嘛,因为ta俩飞不走了)
6.I have 12 legs, 12 arms and 8 heads. What am I? A liar! 问:我有12只脚、12个胳膊和8个头。你猜我是什么物种?答:骗子!
7.What starts with P, ends with E, and has millions of letters? The Post Office! 问:什么东东以P开头,以E结束,含有上百万个letters?答:Post Office!哈哈,你是不是去猜最长的单词了?其实吧,letter除了有字母的意思,还有信件的意思啊
8.What is the longest word in the English language? Smiles. Because there is a mile between its first and last letters! 问:英语里最长的单词是?答:Smiles。因为第1个字母和最后1个字母相隔1 mile呢!1 mile=1英里1.6公里。
9.Why are Saturday and Sunday strong days? Because they are not weekdays! 问:为啥周六和周日是strong days?答:因为周六和周日不是weekdays!别纠结于意思了,多读几遍weekways试试,是不是和weak days一样一样的啊
10.My mother and father are in the steel and iron business. What do they do? My father steals, and my mother irons.
问:我爸妈是在steel and iron业工作的。他们是做什么的?答:我爸是偷东西的,我妈是熨东西的。该段子很高级呀,运用到了谐音和一词多义,steel(钢铁)和steal(偷窃)同音,iron既有铁的意思又有熨烫的意思。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/listen/joke/400490.html |