British Vision Issue 26 超级曼联之书(在线收听

Welcome back, now it looks more like it should be a table than on one, more like a piece of furniture than an addition to a bookshelf. The latest craze for bigger, better, more expensive books than ever reaches its peak, will reach its peak in September, when a huge Opus-like tome detailing Manchester United’s history is published. As Sue has been finding out, books like this are becoming sought-after collector's items.

It's the ultimate fancy. A giant coffee table homage to Manchester United. The sort of glossy tome you'd expect on Madonna not Ferg(Sir Alec Ferguson, manager ) and the boys.

It's more than just a coffee table book and whatever that means. I think it's something that, it, to many people, it is a, it is a cherished piece of art. It's, it's, it's, it's something that they would want to keep and, and, and a lot of people, they have given their orders of.. and said this is something they would like to hand down, almost like a family heirloom if you will.

With a price tag up with the 3,000 pounds, enough for five season tickets, you’d hope your offspring didn’t turn out to be Chelsea supporters. As well as archive photos of the Busby Babes in the Munich Crash, Red’s fans can salivate over Ronaldo's(这个可是葡萄牙人Cristiano Ronaldo ) trickery, captured at the training ground, by one of the world's leading motion photographers Patrick Giardino.

Leo McCarey was one of a host of players past and present that turned up to be photographed by the world's biggest Polaroid camera, shifted in especially from Prague, the players queued up to get in on the act.

And they come, come straight out of the machine within 5 minutes, take a couple of hours to dry, we had about three people with four hairdryers. But, it's again, it's, it's something that's unique. It' s an example here of Mr. Rooney, and may be not seen in that, in that way, and certainly trying, trying to get behind the character. Isn’t it a beautiful one. I just think it adds a bit of mystery and almost mischief behind his eyes there.

Here is the reason that they aren't really calling it as a book, but more an opus. And that’s because it weighs 35 kilos. Not a sort of weight the average coffee table can take, but they thought of that. They are having tables specially designed, just to put the book on.

As well as the United Book, there is a tome on the anniversary of the Super Bowl also due out in September. And they've signed deals to do similar works on the Arsenal and Barcelona football clubs, the Wimbledon Tennis Championships, the Ferrari Formula 1 team and the Disney Empire.

If the Muhammad Ali opus is anything to go by, they'll sell like hotcakes. Copies of Goat, the greatest of all time, have rocketed in value.

they're one of a kind(独一无二), they are signed and numbered. There aren't gonna be anymore of that edition. So you know they have holiness that's unique, that is in a way like a work of art, something to keep, and is, is also an investment.

In a world where pop art and everything else is kind of infinitely reproduced, it actually has a sort of investment value in the same way that art does, but it's just in a different form, the form of a book. So you have your cocktail party, and you, like: oh, look at it: there's only 1,000 of these, 5,000 of these. And it's really about status.

You have it open and there at your cocktail party others thought you'd have it in a safe somewhere or at least locked behind a glass case.(你这样把这么珍贵的书在鸡尾酒会上开放给大家看,别人本来还以为你会把它藏在哪个保险柜里,或是锁在哪个玻璃柜子里呢)

No, I think these, these items are very much about display. I mean think about it, how much, you know, people spend a thousand pounds on a pair of Gin(一个时尚杂志,不确定名字) issue shoes. Something like this actually lasts quite a long time as long as nobody spills a drink on it.(没有没有.我觉得这些藏书的价值就在于展示给大家看.我是说, 有很多人会花一千英镑来买某个时尚杂志推荐的一双鞋子,(为什么就不能买这样的很有收藏价值的书呢?) 像这种(书)可以保存很长时间,除非你把一杯酒洒在上面了.(那么书就没有价值了))

An addition of the Ali book almost doubled in value when sold on eBay. So even if you are not a Red's fan and you have enough shoes in your closet, the coffee table book market might be worth a punt.

What's wrong with the match program? We'll be back tomorrow at noon and again at seven to open soon Midak Channel 4 news, good night.