
 She is always experimenting, always attempting the  coup d’eclat. “Who do you like now?” she asks without looking up.  “You mean at twenty? Or at thirty-six?”  “Both.”  I try to remember being twenty. It’s just a blur of women, breasts, legs, skin, hair. All their stories have jumbled together, and their faces no longer attach themselves to names. I was busy but miserable at twenty. “Twenty was nothing special. Nobody springs to mind.”  “And thirty-six?”  I scrutinize Clare. Is twelve too young? I’m sure twelve is really too young. Better to fantasize about beautiful, unattainable, safe Paul McCartney than to have to contend with Henry the Time Traveling Geezer. Why is she asking this anyway?  “Henry?”  “Yeah?”  “Are you married?”  “Yes,” I admit reluctantly.  “To who?”  “A very beautiful, patient, talented, smart woman.”  Her faces falls. “Oh.” She picks up one of my white bishops, which she captured two moves ago, and spins it on the ground like a top. “Well, that’s nice.” She seems kind of put out by this news.  “What’s wrong?”  “Nothing.” Clare moves her queen from Q2 to KN5. “Check.”  I move my knight to protect my king.  “Am I married?” Clare inquires.  I meet her eyes. “You’re pushing your luck today.”  “Why not? You never tell me anything anyway. Come on, Henry, tell me if I’m gonna be an old maid.”  “You’re a nun,” I tease her.  Clare shudders. “Boy, I hope not.” She takes one of my pawns with her rook. “How did you meet your wife?”  “Sorry. Top secret information.” I take her rook with my queen.  Clare makes a face. “Ouch. Were you time traveling? When you met her?”  “ I was minding my own business.”  Clare sighs. She takes another pawn with her other rook. I’m starting to run low on pawns. 
