新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2017/02/22(在线收听


The Beijing Hour

Evening  Edition

Bob Jones with you on this Wednesday the 22nd of February, 2017.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese capital...

On our program this evening.

Malaysian police list a North Korean diplomat as a suspect in the death of a man alleged to be the brother of the North Korean top leader.

Fighting protectionism high on the agenda as the Chinese President meets the French Prime Minister

China stands willing to play a more constructive role in finding a solution to North Korea's nuclear threats.

A British barman is jailed for life for beating his Chinese girlfriend to death in a fit of jealousy.

And in the second half of the hour...

Henry Kissinger says lessons can still be learned from President Nixon's groundbreaking trip to China in 1972.

A trade war with the US is not an option says China's Commerce minister.

China urges the world to explore the concept of Shared Security - but what does it mean in practice.

All that and more to come in the next 60 minutes - it's one and a half minutes past the hour.

To get the full transcript of the Beijing Hour, please follow the program through our Wechat account by scanning the barcode below.
