生活英语对话 Episode 29: A secret admirer(在线收听


Helen: It's Valentine's Day. Here's a card for you Alice. Who is it from?
Alice: Give me a minute. Let me read it first...It says:
"Oh Nurse Alice. You're the queen of my palace.
I don't know if you care for me. But I must tell my feelings free.
Who knows what's in store. Do you find me an awful bore?
Are we really poles apart? Or could you nurse me and my heart?
Your CPR breathes life anew. May mine fill you with passion true?"
Oh, isn't that romantic?
Helen: Yes, but who's it from?
Alice: It's a valentine, there's no signature.
Helen: But who do you think it's from? There are quite a few clues in the card.


A secret admirer 神秘的仰慕者
Someone who fancies someone else but keeps it a secret

CPR 口对口人工呼吸
Short for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the technical medical term for mouth-to-mouth resuscitation or the kiss of life


Love vocabulary

Here is some vocabulary to describe some of the different stages of a relationship (下面这些词汇可以用来描述不同阶段的关系)

Chat up - starting a relationship (通过搭讪去认识对方)

to chat (somebody) up 搭讪
to talk to somebody in the hope of starting a romantic or sexual relationship
to flirt (with somebody) 调情
to behave playfully towards another person who you are or pretend to be - attracted to romantically or sexually
a flirt 卖弄风情者
a person who likes to flirt 喜欢调情的人
a blind date 介绍约会
a meeting (arranged by a third party) with a person you might be interested in romantically but who you have never met before (由第三方介绍,为互不认识的男女安排的初次会面)

lonely hearts 征友者

small ads (in newspapers, magazines or on the internet) which give a short description of a person you would like to date (这个词的表面意思是“孤独的心”,这里应理解为“征友者”,尤其是指那些征婚的人,我们在报纸、杂志或网上经常会看到这样的征友或是征婚栏). To save space, some of these abbreviations are used (为了节约版面,征友者通常可以使用以下的缩略语):
WLTM - would like to meet 渴望与......见面
GSOH - good sense of humour 有幽默感
LTR - long-term relationship 长期关系

Loved up - being in a relationship (恋爱中的关系)

to be smitten with somebody 被某人深深地迷住
to be deeply affected by your love for somebody
to fall for somebody 坠入爱河
to fall in love with somebody
it was love at first sight 一见钟情
two people fell in love with each other as soon as they met
to take the plunge 毅然决定订婚/结婚
to get engaged/married
I can hear wedding bells 字面意思是"我能听到(教堂的)报婚钟了",实际是指"我猜他们很快就要结婚了"
I suspect that they are going to get married soon

terms of endearment 爱称,呢称

names people in love give each other or call each other (恋爱中的人们常常可用以下词语称呼对方):
cutey pie
honey bunny

Break up - finishing a relationship (分手-结束关系)

they are having a domestic 他们在争吵(informal)
they are having an argument
they have blazing rows 他们吵得一塌糊涂
they have very serious, often noisy arguments
(s)he is playing away from home 他/她有外遇
(s)he is having an affair
to break up with somebody 与某人分手
to finish a relationship with somebody
to split up 分手
to break up
to dump somebody 抛弃对方
to finish a relationship with somebody without much thought for the other person
break-up lines 分手托词
(fixed) expressions, often sweet or apologetic, used to tell a partner, girlfriend or boyfriend that the relationship is finished or is going to finish:
We need to talk
I just need some space
It's not you, it's me
I hope that we can always be friends
This is hurting me more than it is hurting you
It's not enough that we love each other
It simply wasn't meant to be
