世界500强CEO访谈 第40期:强生集团韦尔登 内外创新兼修(1)(在线收听

   Reporter: It is said that the unique structure of your company has performed well. How does the joint effort work in your company ?

  Weldon: When we try and bring people together, across the different groups, sometimes there is enough to do in their own group and now we are asking them to cross boundaries and work together. Sometimes we’ll set up skunk work groups, where we will send them off on their own. We call that our internal ventures. But, that is the challenge—the coordination. It’s not so much that there is replication, but finding the right people to be able to give the resources to this convergence of technologies as opposed to just working in their own areas. If you look at straight innovation, as you would in any pharmaceutical group, or medical device, or consumer group, we have all of those working in our R and D organizations. It’s the ability to work across the boundaries that really brings true innovation, and is going to take some real breakthroughs and will bring real breakthroughs in the future. But, it also does take some coordination and some sacrifice from the individual. That is the toughest thing, getting people to get outside of the silos that they work in and work across the groups.
  Reporter: Can you identify the formal and informal ways that Johnson and Johnson identifies new innovations?
  Weldon: We have a few things. One is we have what we call internal ventures. The internal ventures would be somebody working in the organization or a group of people, who may put forward a recommendation for something that can be done. We are doing a lot of work in stem cells, for example—where none of the groups will take ownership of it, but there is a great opportunity there. So they put together a business plan, present it,put together a budget with it and then we allow that group to go off and work on that. We create other environments, for example, if we,re looking at the area of oncology, where we may bring people from the consumer, pharmaceutical and medical device and diagnostics groups together to share what they are doing. And, out of that, they will generate ideas where they can work together to bring products forward. It’s usually better when they generate them rather than when we try and impose upon them. We did do a review of our pipeline, probably about a year ago. And, we found that there were 80 products in our pipeline that had some form of convergence that was necessary. Now, the important thing for us to do is to make sure that we understand the value that those bring. We have another product going on in our medical device group, in our Ethicon group, which is primarily in the suture and wound closure area that needs the skill sets of the people in our biotechnology area. It is actually a product to stop serious wound bleeding, but it has to have a bio base on it. We actually brought scientists from the biotechnology area over to work specifically in the Ethicon group.