谷歌翻译App对中国用户开放 不再需要VPN(在线收听

   Google last Wednesday made available in China a new version of its translation app that is accessible without censor-evading software, a move likely to fuel speculation that the internet giant was mending fences with Beijing.

  Google shut down its website in 2010, moving its Chinese search service from mainland China to Hong Kong in a row over cyberattacks and censorship.
  谷歌在2010年宣布关闭其网站 website,并在接连不断的网络攻击和审查之下将其在中国的搜索服务从大陆转到了香港。
  Chinese have for years been able to utilise a web-based version of Google Translate, but the mobile app has required the use of virtual private network (VPN) software to get around the "Great Firewall", China's huge system of online censorship.
  "Today we're releasing version 5.8 of the Google Translate apps for Android and iOS, adding instant visual translation between English and Korean, as well as an improved experience for users in China," Google announced in a blog post.
  It provided a link for Android downloads, while saying iPhone users can search Apple's app store.
  It did not explain why the app was now accessible, and a Google spokesman declined to comment on the matter.
  The move could mark a step forward in China for Google, whose main search engine, its Gmail email service, maps, and other offerings are blocked.