留美老师带你每日说英文 第693期:其实 古怪也是一种正常(在线收听


  We suffer so much and so unnecessarily because our picture of what is normal, isn't true to how most of us actually are. We get disgusted and ashamed of ourselves for no reason. There's nothing strange about being compulsive, manic, anxious, sexual, worried, or mad. Being odd is normal. And that's okay.
  1.suffer 折磨
  suffer (v.) 折磨
  suffering (n.) 痛苦
  2.unnecessarily 不必要地
  unnecessarily (adv.) 不必要地
  unnecessary (adj.) 不需要的
  necessary (adj.) 必要的
  necessity (n.) 必要性
  3.disgust 作呕
  disgust (v.) 作呕
  disgusting (n.) 恶心的、憎恨的
  discuss (v.) 讨论、商谈
  4.ashamed 羞愧的
  ashamed (adj.) 羞愧的
  5.compulsive 强迫的
  compulsive (adj.) 强迫的
  6.manic 暴躁的
  manic (adj.) 暴躁的
  maniac (n.) 狂热者