音乐咖啡厅:Day Of Your Beliefs 满怀信念的日子(在线收听

《Day Of Your Beliefs》是芬兰金属乐队AMORPHIS一首很有民族特色的小调。歌曲开头的轻慢和中间的激昂形成鲜明的对比。它还曾是《天下足球》的片尾曲。

Day Of Your Beliefs 满怀信念的日子  Amorphis是一支来自芬兰的著名乐队,他们早期的风格带有明显的北欧death metal的色彩,快速的吉他riffs,狂暴的鼓击,都显示出乐队与emtombed等老牌北欧death metal乐队一脉相传的特点,之后他们大胆地进行了变革,屏弃了追求快速粗暴的传统,创立了一种旋律与力量紧密联系的崭新风格,如今,Amorphis已经可以将优美的旋律发挥到炉火纯青的程度了。



Day Of Your Beliefs  Amorphis

I can hear your yearnings
your anguished cries
Let the nourishment pass you by
as it leaves you without without a trace
It leaves you without the scars

It leaves you without the scars
It's a day of the ruins
the time of your relief
It's a day of the judgements
the day of your beliefs

bitter is the end
the end of your cry
let your nourishment pass you by
it'll leave you without
without your faith
it'll leave you without your grace
it'll leave you without your grace

it's a day of the ruins
the time of your relief
it's a day of the judgements
the day of your beliefs
it's a day of the ruins
the time of your relief
it's a day of the judgements
the day of your beliefs


我可以听到你的渴望 你的痛哭
放开无用的抚慰 因为它不会给你留下痕迹 Day Of Your Beliefs 满怀信念的日子

毁灭的那一天 就是你重生之时
审判的那一天 就是实现你信仰的一天

放开你的自慰 它只能让你失去信念

毁灭的那一天 就是你重生之时
审判的那一天 就是实现你信仰的一天

Yearning n. 向往 Nourishment n. 食物 Grace n. 优美
