
   A gap of at least $40bn in financing commitments is hampering efforts to combat climate change, signatories to the Paris agreement have warned, as they try to keep the agreement going in the face of doubts over US support under President Donald Trump.

  巴黎协定签约方警告称,融资承诺方面至少达400亿美元的缺口正在破坏应对气候变化的努力。在外界对唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)治下的美国是否支持巴黎协定感到疑虑的背景下,各签约方继续努力推进该协定。
  Disputes over who will foot the bill comes as the Trump administration’s energy secretary, Rick Perry, scuppered a joint statement about climate change at a G7 energy meeting in Rome this week.
  在出现围绕谁将埋单的争议之际,特朗普政府的能源部长里克?佩里(Rick Perry)本周在七国集团(G7)罗马能源会议上让关于气候变化的联合声明流产。
  The Paris agreement to limit global temperature rises to under 2 degrees Celsius includes financial commitments from developed countries to help developing nations deal with climate change. Before its adoption it was agreed this amount should reach $100bn a year. However, it has been estimated that only $60bn has been committed so far.
  Climate ministers from Europe, India, Brazil and South Africa have gone to Beijing in recent weeks, hoping to sustain momentum from the Paris talks despite the Trump administration’s dismantling of US regulations meant to limit American emissions. But discussions have quickly run up against the issue of financing.
  “Developed countries have not met their commitments. In their reports a lot of their commitment is in the form of development aid. That doesn’t meet the commitment to contribute to new funds,” China’s top climate change negotiator, Xie Zhenhua, told a briefing on Tuesday. “A lot of countries don’t want to chip in. I said to the European minister: that’s your problem as developed countries. It’s your responsibility to work together and sort it out.”
  Mr Xie’s meeting with Miguel Arias Ca?ete, the European commissioner for climate action and energy, in Beijing two weeks ago involved “uncharted waters” regarding “differences in approaches to climate financing”, Mr Ca?ete told the FT in an interview after their meeting.
  两周前,欧盟气候行动与能源专员米格尔?阿里亚斯?卡涅特(Miguel Arias Ca?ete)在北京与解振华举行了会晤。卡涅特会后在接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示,会晤谈到了关于“气候融资方式差异”的“未知水域”。
  “We are seeing there is a country, the largest in the world, that has announced policies that means they will never reach their targets,” he said, referring to the US. “Now that the US will not play the role [of a major partner] we are obliged to intensify our efforts to develop the Paris agreement.”
  Beijing has aligned itself with developing countries and does not count among contributors to the intended $100bn, although it has established a separate, $3.1bn “south-south co-operation fund”.
  It views spending on infrastructure in developing countries as benefiting its own prowess in dam construction or wind turbine and solar panel manufacturing. Mr Xie said the scale of investment in equipment and infrastructure investment needed by 2030 would translate into “job opportunities”.
  Meanwhile, red tape prevents funds that have been committed from flowing to developing counties, said Ravi Prasad, India’s minister for environment, forest and climate change, calling the $60bn in commitments “highly suspicious” since the sum included previously allocated funds including aid. “When we go behind the numbers we find there has been a reclassification of the bilateral flows,” Mr Prasad said.
  与此同时,印度环境、森林和气候变化部长拉维?普拉萨德(Ravi Prasad)表示,手续繁琐让承诺的资金很难流向发展中国家,他认为已承诺的600亿美元“极为可疑”,因为该数字包括早先已拨的资金,包括援助资金。普拉萨德表示:“当我们研究这些数字时,我们发现其中包括被重新分类的双边流动资金。”
  Mr Xie said: “Enthusiasm isn’t the problem but there are some doubts. I believe other countries feel the same.”