购物英语口语一本通 Unit55:在报刊亭(在线收听

   Unit 55 At the newsstand

  第55课 在报刊
  C: Excuse me, do you have the latest issue of Newsworld?
  S: Yes, this week's issue just came in: Here it is.
  C: How about rvjusic FVJadness?
  顾客:那Music Madness呢?
  S: Let me check... yes, we got the October issue a few days ago. It's on that shelf over there.
  C: Okay, I'll take these two magazines and a copy of Today's Post.
  1.newsstand n.书报摊
  2.issue n.(杂志的)月号
  the March issue of Reader's Digest 3月号的读者文摘
  例:This month's issue of National Geographic has a very interesting article on Asia.
  3.come in 到达
  例:The factory is still waiting for its new equipment to come in.
  4.a few +可数名 一些……
  = some+可数名词
  例:Only a few of the students were able to complete the assignment.
  5. shelf n.书架(复数为shelves)
  6.magazine n. 杂志
  7.a copy of... 一份(书/报/杂志等)
  例:I want to buy a new copy of Hamlet.