

  1. 句型分析
  a. Even though I usually know what I have to say, I cannot always express myself correctly in English.
  这句话是一个复合句,由even though引导的让步状语从句。
  b. This challenges me to practice my spoken English, with the result that I can complete the speaking tasks more fluently and quickly.
  c. I think this is less than ideal because any differences in opinion become personal conflicts, and therefore that might jeopardize the employee’s job.
  上句话是一个并列复杂句。and 连接了两个句子,是一个并列句;because引导的原因状语从句。
  d. Shallow writing is indicative of weak critical-thinking skills, and such writing, which is often described as “sophomoric”, receives low mark.
  2. 有问题的句子的列举
  1) 破碎句
  破碎句:She singing alone.(无谓语,singing是现在分词)
  正确句:She is singing alone.
  破碎句:He did not come. Because he was sick.(从句单独成句)
  正确句:He did not come because he was sick.
  2) 接连句
  接连句: Professionals such as lawyers or accountants usually work longer hours than factory workers they have greater freedom in planning their time.
  正确句一: Professionals such as lawyers or accountants usually work longer hours than factory workers. However, they have greater freedom in planning their time.
  正确句二: Professionals such as lawyers or accountants usually work longer hours than factory workers; however, they have greater freedom in planning their time.
  3) 句子连接不正确
  不正确句: Breaking chalk into two pieces is a physical change, there is no change in the composition of the chalk.
  正确句: Breaking chalk into two pieces is a physical change, so there is no change in the composition of the chalk.