全网最酷美语怎么说:第37期 Sick不是病(在线收听

   Nick: Hi everybody, this is Nick. Welcome to teaching series "how do you say this in American English."

  Brad: 大家好,我是Brad
  Nick: Sick在大家的词汇储备量之中,会觉得这是表示生病。当然了,他平常的用法是表示生病。但是在很多美国年轻人之中,(很多人喜欢用一些"奇奇怪怪"的词,用多了大家也都会去用)这个sick会表示很酷,很潮,很炫的一个意思,不仅仅只有生病。生病更多的用在于一个普通的情景,其他的一个特殊情境我们用sick表示很酷。下面我们来听听对话,看看sick怎么用。
  Nick: Hey Brad, did you see that Ferrari outside?
  Brad: You mean the red one?
  Nick: Yeah the red one in the garage. It blows my mind!
  Brad: I saw that one, too! That's really sick!
  Nick: What? I was saying a car. How can a car have an illness?
  Brad: Oh no it doesn't have an illness. The literal meaning of sick, which I'm sure you all know, is to be ill with some sort of disease.
  Nick: Yeah that's what I thought. The disease, right?
  Brad: But when we use the adjective sick to something that is inanimate, something without a heartbeat. The word changes to "cool" or "neat" or "awesome." Whether it be a car, a song, or a dance movement, maybe even a chair. As long as it doesn't have a heartbeat. As long as it's not living. It will translate as "being cool." An incorrect usage would be if you see a really cool dog, for instance. Even if you say it as "Yo! That dog is SICK!"
  Nick: Sounds like Rap.
  Brad: Yeah. You're still implying that the dog has some sort of disease, even if it is running around happily in a park
  Nick: Oh right. In that situation like a dog. It's definitely a normal situation-the dog is sick. It's really sick.
  Brad: Yeah. Because dog is a living thing and it has a heartbeat. It's living and breathing. So even if you say a rapper, "yo that dog is sick." You are saying the dog is having an illness and needs to go see a veterinarian or a doctor.
  Nick: Sure. It sounds like the difference between the word we've talked about long time ago "sweet" and "awesome", like you don't say a sparkler awesome but you could say sweet.
  Brad: Yeah it's similar. They are all pretty much the same. They are all synonyms. They are roughly the same.
  Nick: Ok thank you.
  Nick: Brad刚刚说,这个sick只要在用于无生命的东西里面,没有heartbeat,不能想象成生病的,就是说很酷的意思。但是用在有生命的物体上,就是指我们平常的一个意思,说生病了活着feeling bad. So this is pretty much it for this time. I'll see you guys next time, bye.
  Brad: 再见