
   At the World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund spring meetings last week in Washington, a central theme was how to accelerate sustainable, inclusive economic growth. But as world leaders seek to reignite the global economy, a large part of the formula for growth and stability is undervalued: the economic empowerment of women.

  在最近华盛顿召开的世界银行集团(World Bank Group)和国际货币基金组织(IMF)春季会议上,一个中心主题是如何加快可持续的包容性经济增长。然而,就在世界领导人寻求重焕全球经济的活力之际,增长和稳定“配方”中的一个重要部分被低估:女性经济赋权。
  Only 55 per cent of women participate in the paid labour force globally and they continue to be an untapped source of growth. This is an invaluable asset with proven returns, but we have not invested the resources to unleash women’s full potential. The evidence is overwhelming that supporting women’s economic participation has enormous dividends for families, communities, and whole economies.
  Research by the World Bank Group, the IMF, the OECD, and private sector studies concludes that we can add billions to the global economy by creating an enabling environment, increasing women’s labour force participation and business ownership, and improving the productivity of their work. These actions also grow national economies and make countries more competitive. Closing gender gaps makes sense at the macroeconomic level and also at the company level. Research shows a correlation between the number of women on boards and higher corporate profits.
  Beyond the economic impact, studies show that women tend to allocate more of their income to food, healthcare and education — in short, goods that benefit their children and have multiplier effects for generations.
  Yet despite overwhelming evidence of the benefits of investing in female entrepreneurs and women in the workplace, progress has stalled. The World Economic Forum’s 2016 Global Gender Gap Report estimated that achieving economic parity between genders could take 170 years. That is unacceptable.
  然而,尽管大量证据证明投资于女性企业家和女性员工是有好处的,但实际进展陷入停滞。世界经济论坛(WEF)的《2016年全球性别差距报告》(Global Gender Gap Report)估计,实现性别之间的经济平等可能要花费170年。这是不可接受的。
  World Bank Group research shows that female-owned enterprises make up only 38 per cent of formal small and medium enterprises in emerging markets. Among women who have started businesses, only 10 per cent have access to the capital they need to grow them.
  From a global standpoint, female entrepreneurs are further disadvantaged by legislation impeding women’s economic opportunities, restricting them from certain professions, preventing them from travelling, and constraining their ability to inherit or own land. Women-owned enterprises are concentrated in a narrower range of sectors, largely those with lower profit margins and export potential.
  This week Angela Merkel, Germany’s chancellor, hosts the W20 summit in Berlin, focusing on promoting women’s economic empowerment as an integral part of the G20 agenda.
  最近,德国总理安格拉?默克尔(Angela Merkel)主持了在柏林召开的20国集团(G20)妇女峰会(即W20峰会),此次峰会聚焦于推动女性经济赋权,作为G20议程不可分割的一部分。
  We know what works. We need to increase access to finance, redistribute care work, accelerate progress to financial inclusion, and offer programmes that train female entrepreneurs and help them access higher value markets. We need to develop new legal and regulatory frameworks to boost women’s growth and productivity. The right skills training enhances women’s capacity to manage their businesses. And mentorship opportunities and access to networks bring learning opportunities and connections to capital and markets.
  Groups like the W20, the World Economic Forum, World Bank, and the UN Secretary-General’s high-level panel on women’s economic empowerment have been instrumental in reinforcing the case for investing in women, identifying effective solutions. Policy leaders, executives, economists, and other academics all agree that one of the most powerful ways to grow the global economy is to expand the role of women in business.
  Our challenge now is to work together — in public and private sectors — to move decisively to invest in women worldwide.
  The writers are the US first daughter and adviser to the president; and the president of the World Bank