中国传媒大学英语电台 Radio CUC English 第287期(在线收听) |
每次站在高处,都有一种跳下去的冲动;看到尖刀就想伸手去拿……这些都是潜意识,Subconciousness(潜意识)是指人类心理活动中,不能认知或没有认知到的部分,是人们“已经发生但并未达到意识状态的心理活动过程”。弗洛伊德又将潜意识分为前意识和无意识两个部分,有的又译为前意识和潜意识。Have you ever felt like when you see a sharp knife, all you want to do is to grab it and cut yourself, you know, just to try out. This kind of stuff is called subconciousness. Everyone has that, especially these weird bananas. Let's see what kind of nasty subconciousness they have. |
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