异类之不一样的成功启示录 第169期:怎样解决问题(在线收听

   Schoenfeld once asked a group of high school students how long they would work on a homework question before they concluded that it was too hard for them ever to solve.

  Their answers ranged from 30 seconds to five minutes, with the average answer two minutes.
  But Renee persists. She experiments. She goes back over the same issues time and time again. She thinks out loud.
  She keeps going and going. She simply won't give up.
  She knows on some vague level that there are something wrong with her theory about how to draw a vertical line, and she won't stop until she's absolutely sure she has it right.
  Renee wasn't a math natural. Abstract concepts like "slope" and "undefined" clearly didn't come easily to her.
  But Schoenfeld could not have found her more impressive. "There is a will to make sense that drives what she does," Schoenfeld says.
  "She wouldn't accept the superficial 'Yeah, you're right' and walk away. That's not who she is. And that's really unusual."
  He rewound the tape and pointed to a moment when Renee reacted with genuine surprise to something on the screen.
  "Look, he said." She does a double take. Many students would just let that fly by.
  Instead, she thought, 'That doesn't jibe with whatever I'm thinking. I don't get it. That's important. I want an explanation.'
  And when she finally gets the explanation, she says 'Yeah, that fits.'"
  At Berkeley, Schoenfeld teaches a course on problem solving, the entire problem of which,
  he says, it to get his students to unlearn the mathematical habits they picked up on the way to university.
  "I pick a problem that I don't know how to solve," he says. "I tell my students, 'You're going to have a two-week take-home exam.
  I know your habits. You're going to do nothing for the first week, and start it the next week.
  And I want to warn you now: if you only spend one week on this, you're not going to solve it.