全网最酷美语怎么说:第50期 白费口舌(在线收听

   Nick: Hi, everybody, this is Nick. Welcome to teaching series "how do you say this inAmerican English."大家好,我是Nick.

  Brad: 大家好,我是Brad.
  Nick: 在生活中,大家有时候做事就做到无用功,就是说做了跟没做一样,浪费时间。或者说话,有时候说了跟没说一样。举个例子,你想去打球,但是你的朋友在做作业,而且他不爱打球,你叫他打球,一般都是白费口舌对吧,说了没有用。或者说一个人很固执,也不爱学习,很多人都劝过了,但他从来不听。你呢,还跑去劝,可能这也是白费口舌,对吧这么多人都劝不听,你劝有什么用呢?那在这里,白费口舌用美语怎么说?
  Nick: hey Brad. I wanna write a letter to Scarlet Johansson's agent.
  Brad: For what? Are you serious?
  Nick: Yeah you saw that video on? A high school kid just recorded a video, imitating La LaLand and sent it to Emma stone, asking her to attend his graduation prom!
  Brad: And you know he failed, right? Emma turned him down. To be honest, this is kinda silly.
  Nick: Well. You never know. I'd like to give it a shot!
  Brad: He was beating the dead horse, man.
  Nick: Um.. I think you are right. I'll just give it up.
  beat the deadhorse就是白费口舌的意思,但是呢要注意,这个词有更宽的用法。它不仅仅是说说话的时候,也可以用在做事情,do something that is a waste of time。在我举的例子里,我是想说,一个人录视频邀请emma stone,然后他失败了。我也想做一个视频,邀请scarlet,然后Brad说这件事情就是无用功,不会有效果的,就是beat the dead horse."打死了的马"是没有用的。 So this is pretty much it for this time, I'll see you guys next time. Bye