听歌学英语:三只酷炫喵星人 Three Cool Cats(在线收听

Parked on the corner in a beat-up car停在街角的一辆老爷车/破车里Dividing up a nickel candy bar平分一块5分钱的糖Talking all about how sharp they are吹嘘它们有多时髦炫酷These three cool cats三只酷猫Three cool chicks三只酷鸡仔/美妞Three cool chicks三只酷鸡仔/美妞Walking down the street they're swinging their hips三只酷猫甩着屁股走在大街上Splitting up a bag of potato chips分食着一袋薯片Three cool cats did three big flips for三酷猫打了三个大空翻Three cool chicks只为引起三只酷鸡仔的注意Up popped the first cool cat第一只酷猫跳起来He said: man look at that他说:兄弟,看见没?Man do you see what I see兄弟,看见了吧?!I want that middle chick我想要那个中间的小鸡I want that little chick我要那个娇小的小鸡Hey man save one chick for me嘿,老兄,给我留一个啊

Three cool chicks三酷的小鸡Three cool chicks三酷的小鸡They look like angels from up above她们看起来像天使一样And three cool cats really fell in love三只酷猫被迷得神魂颠倒And three cool chicks三只酷鸡They made three fools of她们让三只猫看起来These three cool cats像三个傻瓜Three cool cats三酷猫

Parked on the corner in a beat-up car停在街角的一辆老爷车里
beat-up['bi:t'?p] adj [口语]破旧的,破损了的,破烂的,褴褛的;用坏了的,磨损了的
Where did you get the beat-up old car? 你从哪儿搞的这辆破车啊?
Let me take a rest, I'm all beat-up. 让我休息吧,我实在是累坏了。

beat [bi:t] v.打, 打败, 跳动, 敲打, 战胜
They beat him unconscious. 他们把他打昏了。
He beats time with hands and feet.他手脚并用地打着拍子。
Their team beat ours by a large score. 他们队以高比分打败了我们队。
He's alive. His heart is still beating.他还活著--心脏还在跳。
I think Jack can beat all the runners in the country.我认为杰克可以打败这个国家的所有赛跑选手。
somebody beats something to it.比...抢先行动;赶在...前面
Don't be too long about it or you'll find someone has beaten you to it.别拖得太久,不然就会有人捷足先登了。

Dividing up a nickel candy bar平分一块5分钱的糖
nickel:['n?kl] n. 镍;镍币;5美分硬币
Don't take any wooden nickels: wooden nickel木头做的五分硬币,这个习惯用语常用在老朋友间的告别场合,是句半开玩笑、半认真的告别语,相当于“你多保重”之类的话。
Okay, Charlie, they're calling your flight. We'll see you in a couple of months. So long, pal, and don't take any wooden nickels!好吧,Charlie,广播里在通知你的班机马上起飞了。再见啦,老朋友,好好照顾自己。

Talking all about how sharp they are吹嘘它们有多时髦炫酷
sharp:adj 敏锐的;陡的, 急转的,时髦的, 漂亮的 adv整(指时刻)
There is a sharp bend in the road.路上有一个急弯。
Uncle George's new car is really sharp.乔治叔叔的新车实在是太炫酷啦。
You really look sharp in that new outfit.你穿那套衣服看起来很帅。
The lecture started at three o'clock sharp.讲座于三点整开始。
Birds have sharp eyes and dogs have sharp noses.鸟有敏锐的视力, 而狗有灵敏的嗅觉。

Three cool cats did three big flips for三酷猫打了三个大空翻
flip[flip]vt.掷, 轻击, 弹 vi.翻转 n.(跳水或体操动作中的)空翻, 轻弹, 浏览
Tom flipped a coin to see whether he would pass the exam.汤姆掷硬币看他考试是否会及格。
Nancy flipped the egg over in the pan.南茜把蛋在平底锅里翻过来。
He flips through a book before making a decision.他在决定买下一本书前总要先草草翻阅一下。
He got so provoked that he flipped. 他被激怒了,发起火来。
He did a backward flip. 他做了一个后空翻。
