夏洛的网 第106期:臭蛋爆炸(9)(在线收听

   Later on that morning, the animals came up from the pasture - the sheep, the lambs, the gander, the goose, and the seven goslings.

  There were many complaints about the awful smell, and Wilbur had to tell the story over and over again,
  of how the Arable boy had tried to capture Charlotte, and how the smell of the broken egg drove him away just in time.
  "It was that rotten goose egg that saved Charlotte's life," said Wilbur. The goose was proud of her share in the adventure.
  "I'm delighted that the egg never hatched," she gabbled. Templeton, of course, was miserable over the loss of his beloved egg.
  But he couldn't resist boasting. "It pays to save things," he said in his surly voice.
  "A rat never knows when something is going to come in handy. I never throw anything away."