
The refugee situation in Uganda has reached crisis proportions, said U.S. Ambassador to Uganda Deborah Malac. In remarks to the Uganda Solidarity Summit on Refugees, she warned, To prevent a broader humanitarian disaster, the response of Ugandan authorities and the international community must address three interconnected issues. First, we must collectively meet the needs of the refugees themselves so they can live in safety and dignity. Second, we must address the needs of local hosting communities to support their resilience. Finally, we must stop the main driver of this refugee crisis – the ongoing conflict in South Sudan – that has displaced millions with hundreds of thousands seeking safety in Uganda.

乌干达的难民形势已达到堪称危机的程度,美国驻乌干达大使黛博拉 马拉克(Deborah Malac)如是说道。在乌干达难民团结峰会致辞时,她警示人们,为了防止更大范围的人道主义灾难,乌干达当局以及国际社会的响应必须能够解决三个彼此联系的问题。首先,我们必须齐心合力满足难民的需求,让他们能够有尊严地栖居。其次,我们必须解决当地土著社群的需求,确保他们的面对危机的恢复能力。最后,我们必须阻止这场难民危机的主要根源——南苏丹现行的冲突——这场冲突让数百万人流离失所,上万人在乌干达避难。

The U.S. government's participation in the summit reinforced the U.S. commitment to the 2016 New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, which demonstrated the unity of the international community in humanitarian efforts to save lives, protect rights, and share responsibility on a global scale.


The United States, Ambassador Malac noted, is the single largest donor in the affected areas of Uganda, and as conditions have worsened, we have increased our contributions significantly. Since October 2016, the U.S. has provided nearly $154 million for humanitarian assistance, including $57.4 million announced by President Trump on May 24th, and the U.S. remains committed to providing such support.


However, said Ambassador Malac, more resources and commitments from both the Government of Uganda and the international community are needed. Ugandan authorities have demonstrated leadership in their treatment of refugees, but given the overwhelming numbers, they must begin to do more to protect this population. In particular, the Ugandan Government needs to provide more security personnel in settlement areas, where there are growing reports of violence, especially against women, she said.


Finally, she emphasized, there can be no beginning to a resolution of Uganda's refugee crisis without a lasting and durable political solution to the conflict in South Sudan. Neighboring countries and the international community cannot be expected to bear this burden indefinitely because of the unwillingness of the parties in South Sudan to end the violence.


Four million displaced South Sudanese people, including nearly a million living in Uganda today, deserve better.

