科学美国人60秒 SSS 远离”大猫”(在线收听

Big Cats and People Live in Close Quarters in India 远离”大猫”

“In India, as a consequence of stricter protection of wildlife and increased tolerance, numbers of large carnivores are increasing in private lands and lands outside the protected-area systems.” Ullas Karanth of the U.S.-based Wildlife Conservation Society and India’s Centre for Wildlife Studies.

由于印度在不断加大对野生动物的保护,同时生态系统的宽容性增加,私人领域以及保护区外中大型食肉动物的数量正在不断增加。Ullas Karanth隶属于美国野生动物保护协会和印度野生动物研究中心。

“While this is a good thing for conservation it poses serious problems for management because occasionally these interactions turn hostile, between people and carnivores. And this issue is particularly serious with leopards.”


Karanth and his team studied interactions between people and leopards in Karnataka, a state in India’s southwest that’s home to more than 60 million people. Leopards can be found in 47 percent of the state, in areas outside parks and other sanctuaries. So people and leopards do, every once in a while, run into each other.


To gauge the frequency of such interactions, the researchers scoured media reports during a 14-month period from 2013 to 2014. The total tally was 245 separate incidents. Most were attacks on livestock or simple sightings of the leopards by people. But leopards did attack people 32 times, causing three deaths. Thirty-four leopards died in the study period, mostly from poaching and being hit by vehicles. Capturing and relocating the animals did not seem to be an effective way to cut down on animal-human contacts. The study is in the journal PLoS ONE.

为了测量人和豹子的互动频率,研究人员研究了从2013年到2014年长达12月的相关的媒体报道。总共有245篇独立的事故发生。大多数报道都是关于豹子袭击家畜或者是人们看到豹子的踪迹。在以上的研究期间,3/4的豹子死亡,死亡原因大都是因为被猎杀或者被车辆撞死。捕杀动物或者迁徙似乎并没有减少人和动物之间的接触。该研究结果发表在《PLoS ONE》杂志上。

So how can the large carnivores and people better coexist? The researchers think that an obvious but important step is to get a lot more data on just where leopards are most likely to be found in populated areas, so people can avoid the cats. And that farmers should be quickly and fairly compensated for any livestock losses. Which seems to be a better alternative than trying to hunt down and kill or move the offending animal.

