乔布斯传 第302期:劳伦·鲍威尔(4)(在线收听

   Laurene Powell had been born in New Jersey in 1963 and learned to be self-sufficient at an early age. 劳伦·鲍威尔1963年出生在新泽西,很小就学会了自立。

  Her father was a Marine Corps pilot who died a hero in a crash in Santa Ana, California;  她父亲是海军陆战队的飞行员,是在圣安娜一次坠机事件中牺牲的英雄;
  he had been leading a crippled plane in for a landing,  他当时在引领一架受损的飞机着陆,
  and when it hit his plane he kept flying to avoid a residential area rather than ejecting in time to save his life.  两机相撞后,他坚持飞行避开居民区,而没有及时跳伞逃生。
  Her mother's second marriage turned out to be a horrible situation,  她母亲再次结婚,结果那个男人是个酒鬼和虐待狂。
  but she felt she couldn't leave because she had no means to support her large family.  但她母亲觉得自己不能放弃这段婚姻,因为她没有经济来源养活一大家子人。
  For ten years Laurene and her three brothers had to suffer in a tense household,  有10年的时间,劳伦和她的3个兄弟只好忍受着家里的紧张气氛,
  keeping a good demeanor while compartmentalizing problems. She did well.  循规蹈矩,自己解决问题。
  "The lesson I learned was clear, that I always wanted to be self-sufficient," she said. "I took pride in that. “我学会了一个很明确的道理:永远要自立。”她说,“我为此而骄傲。
  My relationship with money is that it's a tool to be self-sufficient, but it's not something that is part of who I am." 我跟金钱的关系是,它是实现自立的一种工具,但是它不是我这个人的一部分。”
  After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania, she worked at Goldman Sachs as a fixed income trading strategist,  从宾夕法尼亚大学毕业后,她在髙盛做固定收益交易策略师,
  dealing with enormous sums of money that she traded for the house account.  接触数目巨大的资金,为公司作自营交易。
  Jon Corzine, her boss, tried to get her to stay at Goldman, but instead she decided the work was unedifying.  她的老板乔恩·科尔津想说服她留在高盛,可她最终觉得这份工作没有启发性。
  "You could be really successful," she said, "but youLaurene Powell had been born in New Jersey in 1963 and learned to be self-sufficient at an early age. 劳伦·鲍威尔1963年出生在新泽西,很小就学会了自立。
  Her father was a Marine Corps pilot who died a hero in a crash in Santa Ana, California;  她父亲是海军陆战队的飞行员,是在圣安娜一次坠机事件中牺牲的英雄;
  he had been leading a crippled plane in for a landing,  他当时在引领一架受损的飞机着陆,
  and when it hit his plane he kept flying to avoid a residential area rather than ejecting in time to save his life.  两机相撞后,他坚持飞行避开居民区,而没有及时跳伞逃生。
  Her mother's second marriage turned out to be a horrible situation,  她母亲再次结婚,结果那个男人是个酒鬼和虐待狂。
  but she felt she couldn't leave because she had no means to support her large family.  但她母亲觉得自己不能放弃这段婚姻,因为她没有经济来源养活一大家子人。
  For ten years Laurene and her three brothers had to suffer in a tense household,  有10年的时间,劳伦和她的3个兄弟只好忍受着家里的紧张气氛,
  keeping a good demeanor while compartmentalizing problems. She did well.  循规蹈矩,自己解决问题。
  "The lesson I learned was clear, that I always wanted to be self-sufficient," she said. "I took pride in that. “我学会了一个很明确的道理:永远要自立。”她说,“我为此而骄傲。
  My relationship with money is that it's a tool to be self-sufficient, but it's not something that is part of who I am." 我跟金钱的关系是,它是实现自立的一种工具,但是它不是我这个人的一部分。”
  After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania, she worked at Goldman Sachs as a fixed income trading strategist,  从宾夕法尼亚大学毕业后,她在髙盛做固定收益交易策略师,
  dealing with enormous sums of money that she traded for the house account.  接触数目巨大的资金,为公司作自营交易。
  Jon Corzine, her boss, tried to get her to stay at Goldman, but instead she decided the work was unedifying.  她的老板乔恩·科尔津想说服她留在高盛,可她最终觉得这份工作没有启发性。
  "You could be really successful," she said, "but you're just contributing to capital formation." “你可以变得真正成功,”她说,“但你只是在为资本的积聚作贡献。”
  So after three years she quit and went to Florence, Italy, living there for eight months before enrolling in Stanford Business School. 因此3年后,她辞职去了意大利佛罗伦萨,在那里住了8个月,然后来到了斯坦福商学院。're just contributing to capital formation." “你可以变得真正成功,”她说,“但你只是在为资本的积聚作贡献。”
  So after three years she quit and went to Florence, Italy, living there for eight months before enrolling in Stanford Business School. 因此3年后,她辞职去了意大利佛罗伦萨,在那里住了8个月,然后来到了斯坦福商学院。