娱乐新天地Trailer 2006-女王陛下 / The Queen(在线收听) |
The Queen
(Movie) The Queen is an intimate behind the scenes glimpse at the interaction between HM Elizabeth II and Prime Minister Tony Blair during their struggle, following the death of Diana, to reach a compromise between what was a private tragedy for the Royal family and the public's demand for an overt display of mourning. 片名: The Queen 译名:女王 导演:斯蒂芬·弗雷斯 Stephen Frears 主演 麦克·辛 Michael Sheen 詹姆斯·克伦威尔 James Cromwell 海伦·米伦 Helen Mirren 类型:剧情历史传记 上映:2006年12月25日 地区:英国 出品:Miramax 米拉迈克斯 Transcript and Translation Good evening, Ma'am, I'm sorry to disturb but it's the Princess of Wales... 晚安陛下; 抱歉打扰了但威尔士王妃她... Why, what's she done now? 为什么? 这次她又做了什么? Have some very sad news to bring you. 这个一条令人悲痛万分的消息 Diana, Princess of Wales has died after a car crash in Paris. 戴安娜--威尔士王妃在巴黎的一场车祸中不幸罹难 The Prime Minister Tony Blair is about to make a statement. 首相托尼·布莱尔即将发表声明 Princess Diana touched the lives of so many others, she was the people's princess. 戴安娜王妃活在我们的心中, 她是人民的王妃 No member of the royal family will speak publicly about this. 皇室成员不会对此事公开发表任何言论 Diana is no longer a member of the royal family. 戴安娜不再是皇室一员 What are you talking about? 你在说些什么? Charles, this is a private matter. 查尔斯这是一桩私事 We do things in this country quietly, with dignity. 我们为这个国家默默奉献但不失尊严 Will someone please save these people from themselves? 哪位高人快来救赎他们吧 Questions are being asked about why the queen hasn't addressed her subjects at this time of national grief. 令人费解的是女王为何在举国上下悲痛万分的时候不作任何声明? The prime minister for you, ma'am. 陛下首相致电 You've seen today's papers. 70% of people believed that your actions have damaged the monarchy. 您也看到今天的报纸了. 70%的臣民认为您的行为已损坏了王室的声誉 Who does he think he is talking to? 他以为他是在和谁说话啊? You can imagine I'm going to drop everything and come down to London before I attend to my grandchildren, then you're mistaken. 你以为我会不顾我的孙子拉下一切只身回到伦敦--那你就大错特错了 Truancy from that perspective, she's been brought up to believe it's God's will. 之所以要回避是因为她一直坚信这是上帝的意愿 She is who she is. 她就是她 I think we should leave God out of it. 我想我们不应该拿上帝来说事 What would you suggest, prime minister? Some kind of a statement? 你有什么良言首相先生? 是不是搞个声明什么的? The moment of statement(s) has passed. 发表声明的时机已过 Are you all right? 你还好吧? Something's happened, there's been a change, some of them shift in values. 事情终究发生了世道变了一些人的价值观发生了改变 Maybe he's got a point. 或许他没错 What if my actions are damaging the crown? 要是我的所作所为影响了王室声誉会怎样呢? I preferred to keep my feelings to myself. 我宁愿坚持我的立场 Foolishly, I believe that was what the people wanted from their Queen. 真愚蠢我相信那就是人们希望从女王身上得到的 When you no longer understand your people, maybe it is time to hand it over to the next generation. 如果你不再了解你的臣民或许应该让位了 影片简介 当黛安娜王妃意外死亡的消息传出后,世界震惊。大众对英国皇室产生了怀疑,皇室信用急剧下降,英女王伊丽莎白二世这时并没有站出来,而是和家人们躲到了度假行宫巴尔莫罗堡的高墙之后。首相托尼·布莱尔一上任就要面对国内日益高涨的反皇室情绪,压力颇大,他必须尽快找出办法,令女王和人民的关系再次和睦起来。 |
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