木偶奇遇记 第113期:在玩具国享乐(4)(在线收听

   "Don't worry so much.  “别担心那么多。

  Only think that we are going to a land where we shall be allowed to make all the racket we like from morning till night." 你就想一想,咱们要到一个国家去,在那儿,咱们可以无拘无束,从早玩到晚!”
  Pinocchio did not answer, but sighed deeply once—twice—a third time.  皮诺乔没有回答,只是叹了一口气、两口气、三口气,
  Finally, he said: "Make room for me. I want to go, too!" 最后说:“给我挪点地方,我也要去!”
  "The seats are all filled," answered the Little Man,  “座位都满了,”小个子男人回答说,
  "but to show you how much I think of you, take my place as coachman." “不过为了表示欢迎你,你可以坐驾车位。”
  "And you?" "I'll walk." “那您呢?”“我步行。”
  "No, indeed. I could not permit such a thing. I much prefer riding one of these donkeys," cried Pinocchio. “不行,真的,我不能答应这件事。我宁愿随便骑一头驴子。”皮诺乔叫道。
  No sooner said than done. He approached the first donkey and tried to mount it. 说干就干。他走近第一对驴子里右面的一头,试着骑上去。
  But the little animal turned suddenly and gave him such a terrible kick in the stomach  可是这小牲口突然地转过身来,在他肚子上狠狠地踹了一脚,
  that Pinocchio was thrown to the ground and fell with his legs in the air. 把皮诺乔甩到了地上,摔了一个两脚朝天。
  At this unlooked-for entertainment, the whole company of runaways laughed uproariously. 在这个没有预料到的娱性节目下,逃亡的所有人都捧腹大笑起来。
  The little fat man did not laugh.  小个子男人没有笑。
  He went up to the rebellious animal, and, still smiling, bent over him lovingly and bit off half of his right ear. 他依旧笑着走到不服管教的驴子身边,慈爱的朝它弯下腰,一口咬掉了它半只右耳朵。