夏洛的网 第118期:奇迹(9)(在线收听

   When Fern told her mother that Avery had tried to hit the Zuckermans' spider with a stick, 当弗恩告诉妈妈,说艾弗里曾经想用树枝打朱克曼家的蜘蛛时,

  Mrs. Arable was so shocked that she sent Avery to bed without any supper as punishment. 阿拉布尔太太非常吃惊,不让艾弗里吃饭就勒令他去睡觉,以此作为惩罚。
  In the days that followed, Mr. Zuckerman was so busy entertaining visitors that he neglected his farm work. 接下来几天,朱克曼先生为接待来访的人忙得不可开交,连他的农场上的活都忘了。
  He wore his good clothes all the time now - got right into them when he got up in the morning. 现在他一直穿着他最好的衣服——早晨一起床就穿上。
  Mrs. Zuckerman prepared special meals for Wilbur. 朱克曼太太给威尔伯准备特殊的伙食。
  Lurvy shaved and got a haircut; and his principal farm duty was to feed the pig while people looked on. 勒维修了脸剪了发,他的主要任务就是当人们参观时喂小猪吃东西。
  Mr. Zuckerman ordered Lurvy to increase Wilbur's feedings from three meals a day to four meals a day. 朱克曼先生吩咐勒维给威尔伯加餐,从一天三顿改为一天四顿。
  The Zuckermans were so busy with visitors they forgot about other things on the farm. 朱克曼家接待来客太忙,忘掉了农场别的事情。
  The blackberries got ripe, and Mrs. Zuckerman failed to put up any blackberry jam. 黑刺莓熟了,朱克曼太太来不及做黑刺莓酱。
  The corn needed hoeing, and Lurvy didn't find time to hoe it. 玉米地需要锄草了,勒维找不到工夫锄草。