夏洛的网 第119期:奇迹(10)(在线收听

   On Sunday the church was full. The minister explained the miracle. 星期日教堂坐满了人。牧师向大家解释那个奇迹。

  He said that the words on the spider's web proved that human beings must always be on the watch for the coming of wonders. 他说蜘蛛网上的字证明,人类必须时刻注意奇迹的降临。
  All in all, the Zuckermans' pigpen was the center of attraction. 一句话,朱克曼家的猪圈成了吸引人的中心。
  Fern was happy, for she felt that Charlotte's trick was working and that Wilbur's life would be saved. 弗恩很高兴,因为她觉得夏洛的把戏起了作用,威尔伯的性命可能保得住。
  But she found that the barn was not nearly as pleasant - too many people. 不过她发现谷仓现在一点也不讨人喜欢——人太多了。
  She liked it better when she could be all alone with her friends the animals. 她更喜欢她能够独自一个人跟她那些动物在一起的日子。