经济学人:冢本幼稚园 种族歧视的低龄化(2)(在线收听

   Mr Abe denies any involvement in the land sale, and says he will step down if anyone can prove otherwise. 安倍先生提出并没有参与土地出售环节,并且说除非有人能够提供他参与的证据,不然他可以辞职来证明清白。

  He and his wife were badgered into helping the kindergarten,  他和他妻子都因帮助了该幼儿园而惹上了烦恼。
  he insists, by its head teacher, YasunoriKagoike, who had used his name to raise money “despite my repeated insistence he should not do so”. 他坚称,是幼儿园的校长YasunoriKagoike利用了他的名字来筹钱,“尽管我一直劝他不要这么做”。
  Mr Abe had previously praised Mr Kagoike, however, saying he had an “admirable passion” for education and that they shared a “similar ideology”. 安倍先生之前称赞了Kagoike先生,说他对教育有“令人钦佩的热情”,而且他们还和彼此分享了“一样的意识形态”。
  As scrutiny grows, there are signs of revisionism on both sides: all references to Ms Inada and Mrs Abe have been unceremoniously scrubbed from the kindergarten's website. 审查还在继续,双方开始都有消灭证据的迹象:幼儿园网站上引用的稻田女士和安倍先生的话都被删掉了。
  Tsukamoto has been investigated under hate-speech laws. 冢本因为发表了仇恨性的舆论而被接受调查。
  It sent notes home to parents referring to Chinese people as shinajin—the rough equivalent of “chink”. 这些言论中提到了有关的“支那人”父母——粗略的说就是中国人。
  Mr Kagoike's wife, the deputy head, sent a letter to the parent of an ethnic-Korean pupil saying she did not discriminate but “hates Koreans and Chinese”. Kagoike的妻子,也就是学校的的副校长给一名韩国学生的父母发了一封信件,说她并不是种族歧视而是“就是讨厌韩国人和中国人”。
  MoritomoGakuen is now squirming as much as Mr Abe. MoritomoGakuen现在和安倍一样很难为情。
  Officials in Osaka say the primary school may not receive a licence to operate when construction is completed. 大阪的官员发表声明说,这样小学在完工之后拿不到营业执照。
  There have been fewer applicants than expected. 那样一来,小学营业执照申请就会少很多。
  And it has had to change its planned name, to Land of Rice memorial school, from the much grander Prime Minister Shinzo Abe memorial school. 而“Land of Rice memorial”就必须换掉原定的名字了—这所以伟大首相安倍晋三的命名的学校。