经济学人:削减预算 十便士的规划(1)(在线收听

   United States 美国

  The Budget: Ten-penny plan 削减预算:十便士的规划
  The White House proposes eye watering budget cuts 白宫提出了眼泪汪汪的预算缩减
  During his campaign for the White House, Donald Trump touted a “penny plan” for government spending. 唐纳德·特朗普在竞选中的美国总统时,吹捧对于政府开支实行“便士”计划。
  This meant cutting the part of the budget that funds day-to-day operations—ie, excluding Social Security, health care, debt interest or defence—by 1% a year. 这意味着削减维持日常运营的预算,也就是社会保障,医疗保健,债务利息或国防等,每年1%。
  Critics said such cuts were unachievable. 批评者说,这些削减是无法实现的。
  Department budgets are already beneath their historical average as a share of the economy. 部门预算作为经济的一部分已经低于其历史平均水平。
  They would have to shrink by nearly a third over a decade, after accounting for inflation, to satisfy the penny plan. 他们将不得不在经通胀因素调整后,用十多年来将预算紧缩近三分之一,以满足“便士计划”。
  That has not deterred Mr Trump. 这并不能够阻挡特朗普先生。
  On February 27th the White House announced its headline budget numbers, ahead of a more detailed plan due to appear soon. 2月27日,白宫公布了其整体预算数字,先于一项即将出现的更具体的规划。
  In his first year in office, Mr Trump is proposing to cut so-called “non-defence discretionary” spending not by 1%, but by more than 10%, relative to current law. 在特朗普先生就职的第一年,他提议缩减所谓的非国防开支数额,不是现行法律规定的1%,而是超过了10%。
  The $54bn (0.3% of GDP) this would free up would flow to the defence budget. 这项540亿美元(国内生产总值的0.3%)的缩减将流向国防预算。
  Cue incredulity. The part of the budget Mr Trump would cut, which funds things like education, housing and national parks, has already fallen by over 10% in real terms since 2010. 令人难以接受的是,川普削减的开支部分涵盖教育,住房,国家公园,这几部分的预算自2010年起,下调幅度已经超过了10%。
  Strict spending limits in the Budget Control Act of 2011, sometimes called the “sequester”, caused the dive. 在2011年的预算控制法案中对预算开支进行了严格的限制,有时也称为“缩减”,造成了骤降。